The Ref Stop

taking a couple of weeks off!!

Andrew Ewen

New Member
Why on earth do we bother giving up our weekends, away from families, to put up with utter morons.

Today, after giving a penalty (keeper went right through the back of the striker) and issuing a red card (keeper then stamped on the player) I was treated to a chorus of 'f' words, the 'c' word on 3 occasions, being called a cheat, goalkeeper gloves thrown at me. cue abandonment.

then I got sarcastically applauded from the field of play all the way to my changing room at the other side of a cricket field. and on walking to my car I was met with a threat of violence and told to f off until I was out of the car park.

It's a pity that 1 team can make you feel so low when the opposing team were one of the nicest bunch of guys I've ever refereed.

rant over
The Ref Stop
Dont let em grind you down geeza. Weve all had this at one point in our careers (myself probably around 10!)

Report to the CFA. Do it properly and thoroughly and let them deal with it. They dont take abandonments lightly, least when the referee has been threatened and objects thrown at him.

Have a good rest. Although I doubt youll manage a full two weeks without that itching feeling to go out again! Morons are Morons. But they do need reporting fella. Get them watertight and get them sorted.
as herts said, don't let the b'strads grind you down.

Put all the reports in, leaving nothing go. If it happened, Report it. Sometimes refs get the feeling they shouldn't put the boot into teams with reports even when it is fully deserved and is exactly what happened. If you do have that urge, ignore it and let them feel the full consequences of their atrocious behaviour.

Head up mate.
I echo everything said above. This sort of crap happens from time to time.

Chin up, you did the right thing, there will always be teams like this, sadly.
Unfortunately from time to time these incidents do happen. Send a full report to your County FA, and the league in question. You will get their full support.
i had my first abandoned game yesterday, notorious local side (i've never them before, so went with an open mind)
4 yc, 2 reds, 3 misconduct reports and threats to break my legs on one of there facebook pages (screen shot for evidence)
They're already on a suspended threat from being kicked out of the league from last seasons antics
This was a cup semi yesterday, abandoned after 60 mins, just thought you know what i dont have to put up with this **** anymore!

So they're now probably going to get kicked out of the cup and the league.
All my fault obviously as i was accused of getting them kicked out for my abandonment yersterday.
My reply, lads you dont get kicked out of a league due to one report!
Every time I read a story like this it makes my blood boil - so many idiots out there. Chin up svenny. Whatever happens to them, they have brought it on themselves.
I think you have handled these events with dignity and not let them get to you too much, so all the credit to you. I think it is wise to take a week off and let it calm down, but talk to the RDO and your local Ref Association (if a member) and get some support.

I'm not sure I could have remained so impassive if I was being threatened in the car park afterwards.
Report them , and make sure they regret abusing you (by reporting them :P)

I'm impressed that you didn't lose it in the carpark. :)
Why on earth do we bother giving up our weekends, away from families, to put up with utter morons.

Today, after giving a penalty (keeper went right through the back of the striker) and issuing a red card (keeper then stamped on the player) I was treated to a chorus of 'f' words, the 'c' word on 3 occasions, being called a cheat, goalkeeper gloves thrown at me. cue abandonment.

then I got sarcastically applauded from the field of play all the way to my changing room at the other side of a cricket field. and on walking to my car I was met with a threat of violence and told to f off until I was out of the car park.

It's a pity that 1 team can make you feel so low when the opposing team were one of the nicest bunch of guys I've ever refereed.

rant over
Like everybody else has said, get the reports in. From your OP, there are a number of reports to submit:
1. Firstly dismissal of the GK for VC / SFP;
2. Secondly, further misconduct after the dismissal (OFFINABUS)
3. Another misconduct report for the gloves being thrown at you, resulting in the abandonment
4. A team misconduct report for the OFFINABUS while returning to the changing room; and
5. Finally, a team misconduct report for the threats of violence.

If the CFA charge them properly, that should be about £100 + 6 matches for the goalkeeper in fines and a similar sum for the club. That will empty their end of season "p*** up" fund.