Tournament Cautions


RefChat Addict
I was recently at a tournament in which I had a discussion with a fellow referee regarding two cautions he gave in one game.

As I am sure, although we stick to the laws of the game in a normal situation, everyone probably gives a little bit of leeway when it comes to summer 5/6 a side tournaments.

However, in one particular group game, which is just 8 minutes, ball has gone out of play and one team made a quick sub. The referee wasn't informed. Play has re-started and as the ball has gone up the other end, the player that came on scored straight away. The ball is dead now, as it ended up in the goal but before the restart, so he cautioned both the players involved for entering and exiting the field of play without permission. This resulted in the players being suspended for the next game. He was called a few choice words, whether sarcastically or not, because others felt he was ruining what was supposed to be a 'fun day' during a tournament. To top it off, he awarded the goal!

As I said, although technically he is correct in giving out cautions for the two players (certainly if it were an 11x11 game), he gave out the cards which ruined a game that didn't need them.
Personally, I would have allowed the goal, and just had a quiet word with the manager that although we know games are short etc, they still need to inform me that they're making a sub. There were the correct number of players on the pitch and the player going off appears to have exited at the same place as his team mate and thus not gaining an advantage.

What would you guys have done?
A&H International
Play on. Like you said, just let them get on with it. I may even just have a word with the manager after the game instead of during if we are near the end. No need to cause problems for stuff like this at a tournament
I was recently at a tournament in which I had a discussion with a fellow referee regarding two cautions he gave in one game.

As I am sure, although we stick to the laws of the game in a normal situation, everyone probably gives a little bit of leeway when it comes to summer 5/6 a side tournaments.

However, in one particular group game, which is just 8 minutes, ball has gone out of play and one team made a quick sub. The referee wasn't informed. Play has re-started and as the ball has gone up the other end, the player that came on scored straight away. The ball is dead now, as it ended up in the goal but before the restart, so he cautioned both the players involved for entering and exiting the field of play without permission. This resulted in the players being suspended for the next game. He was called a few choice words, whether sarcastically or not, because others felt he was ruining what was supposed to be a 'fun day' during a tournament. To top it off, he awarded the goal!

As I said, although technically he is correct in giving out cautions for the two players (certainly if it were an 11x11 game), he gave out the cards which ruined a game that didn't need them.
Personally, I would have allowed the goal, and just had a quiet word with the manager that although we know games are short etc, they still need to inform me that they're making a sub. There were the correct number of players on the pitch and the player going off appears to have exited at the same place as his team mate and thus not gaining an advantage.

What would you guys have done?
Totally agree, would just say to manager "Please let me know you want to sub" no yellow,award the goal get on with it..I've never used yellow in a tournament...Nor a red but that would be for violent conduct.
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Was 18s.

This was just 1 of a few things that got on our nerves (as a team). We backed him all the way, just didn't agree with the way he handled things.
Was 18s.

This was just 1 of a few things that got on our nerves (as a team). We backed him all the way, just didn't agree with the way he handled things.
Its as much the fault of the coaches as it is the players in a situation like that. Personally I'd have spoken at length to the coach and let it go from there.
Was it a sanctioned tournament? My CFA now requires the use of blue cards in tournaments they sanction, i.e. 2 minute sin bin, rather than yellow cards (which in my view are next to useless at tournaments). I agree with most of the above though, I'd be letting this go, although with perhaps a more public shout to the manager, so the other team(s) are aware. Something to cover at a team brief ahead of the first game of the session (if you do that - which I can highly recommend as you can cover that tournament's vagaries of the laws with all that age-group's teams in one go (why do tournaments all have slightly different laws?!?!?!), and its an opportunity for players to lose their wrist-bands etc).
It was a tournament I would have assumed was okay'd by the county fa as they are affiliated and to it. It's a well run team who organised it and are looking to move onto bigger things so wouldn't risk doing anything stupid.

I wasn't present at team brief but I agree, something said at beginning is always helpful.

Yellows are pointless in tournaments other than being able to issue for red card offences as it brings a game suspension anyway (would show red if something more serious deserving of a red). I use blue cards midweek in one of those 6 a side leagues and teams actually take the piss with them knowing they'll be back on in a few minutes so will risk more but to a limit so not to get red.
Original post implies 5/6 a side and matches of 8 minutes duration. I don't think anyone (players, organisers or referees) would be expected to follow formal substitution procedures in such circumstances. If the event is well organised this should be covered in the instructions to teams. In my experience these events are often a bit of shamles in terms of organisation which is why I generally turn down any of their requests to referee.
I have yet to encounter a " badly run" tournament, perhaps i've been lucky......Best tournament to date run by Ian Mitchell Tournaments actually met him and he was very pro-active in helping every day it was run over 3 months every weekeend different age groups and teams from all over the country..................
Just read rest of thread - how sad is that.
Could be very pedantic but always entertaining - how old was he, do you know?
He was 66.

If you look for another Forum for Referees there are some good tributes in the Legendary Threads section. I would post a link but I'm not sure if that is allowed or good manners...