var @ women's football


New Member
went to the womens fa cup final today - very enjoyable and entertaining.

however, noticed there were a few incidents which the ref (helen conley) missed (a handball in the penalty area + what seemed to be a reckless tackle in the penalty box at the other end)

obviously a lot of us seemed to be waiting for some sort of var check, but this didn't come.

after further research - they didn't have VAR at this match.

does anyone know why women's football doesn't get VAR? baring in mind the FA released their womens football plan a couple days ago, was expecting they'd try 'level up' the game if it was to do with money.

on a side note, i'd really encourage people to go to women's football! it's very cheap but as enjoyable as a men's game and i had a good time evaluating the ref's performance with mates - just can't stop myself! 🤣
A&H International
sorry if this is the wrong category by the way - i'm still quite new to this place.
Put simply, cost. Women's football, even the WSL, is played at non-league grounds in the main and there is no way they could get VAR facilities in them. For example, Arsenal play at Boreham Wood, Chelsea at Kingsmeadow (formerly Kingstonian's home), Tottenham at the Hive (Barnet FC), and so on. There is also the question of the number of officials needed, would go from 4 per game to 6 per game.
No reason not to have it for a showpiece cup final though

But then you have the whole argument should you have it at a final when it hasn't been used in any previous round. Personally I would be fine with it, but I know that others don't like that concept.

Additionally, none of the officials appointed to the final will have any experience with VAR so to expect them to use it for a one off game would be a massive ask.
But then you have the whole argument should you have it at a final when it hasn't been used in any previous round. Personally I would be fine with it, but I know that others don't like that concept.

Additionally, none of the officials appointed to the final will have any experience with VAR so to expect them to use it for a one off game would be a massive ask.

Both those excuses sound like cop outs to me (I know they're suggested reasons...)

Men's game has var in random cup games depending on venue and had it in semis and finals only at the start.

If want var in a final then surely at the very least appoint men or, and this is a bold statement, spend some money and train some women up in advance?
It would be a bit of insult to the refs for the league to go and start other refs for the final just to have VAR.

VAR exists where the funding exists to make it warranted. Indeed, not all federations are even using VARs for WCQ matches. (Though apparently CONCAFED has decided to start using for the last two windows of its competition—which, given how few of the refs have used it or been VARs has the potential to be an epic disaster.)
I get £30 to ref a womens cup tie

they wanted class 1s to ref, until they realised they on £800 per gsme

2 neighhbours and a gf/bf at £2.50 a head dont pay the £100k for var....
Both those excuses sound like cop outs to me (I know they're suggested reasons...)

Men's game has var in random cup games depending on venue and had it in semis and finals only at the start.

If want var in a final then surely at the very least appoint men or, and this is a bold statement, spend some money and train some women up in advance?

VAR costs a lot of money to operate, it is justified in the Premier League as there are huge crowds and massive investment.

The average attendance at a WSL1 game is 1000, that's lower than EFL League 2. This isn't anti-womens football any anyone that knows me is well aware that I am heavily involved in the women's game. Rather it is just realism that there isn't the money there to make VAR viable, just as there isn't in the Championship, League 1, etc, and indeed still most leagues in Europe.

I understand your comment about using experienced VAR officials in the final so that VAR could be used, but can you imagine the furore if that happened? Female officials referee the quarters and semis, but were then replaced by SG1 referees for the final just because they have VAR experience. Likewise the training element, yes they could train the female referees in the use of VAR, but it is real life training that is needed, would you really want officials' first experience of VAR being a major showpiece cup final?
But then you have the whole argument should you have it at a final when it hasn't been used in any previous round. Personally I would be fine with it, but I know that others don't like that concept.

Additionally, none of the officials appointed to the final will have any experience with VAR so to expect them to use it for a one off game would be a massive ask.
This is happening in the men's game. VAR is being used where it is available.
You could have a situation where game 1 has no VAR and a replay does
But then you have the whole argument should you have it at a final when it hasn't been used in any previous round. Personally I would be fine with it, but I know that others don't like that concept.

Additionally, none of the officials appointed to the final will have any experience with VAR so to expect them to use it for a one off game would be a massive ask.
Happens in the men's version - even in the same round sometimes.

You're right its cost - if the EFL can't afford it then the women certainly can't!
Happens in the men's version - even in the same round sometimes.

I know, but people have said it isn't right, including several poster on this site. I personally don't have a problem with it, but even I think introducing VAR just for a cup final would be a step too far.