What happens if I am not around for a season?

Monotone Whistle

Well-Known Member
Purely hypothetical of course, but let's suppose I manage to get all of my games in and get my L4 nomination this season, but find myself in the position of moving to USA for work for a year.....

Would I be able to take up the L4? In this hypothetical situation, I would be at home a a few times and be able to do some games...is there a minimum games requirement to be retained?
A&H International
As you won't be available for the next season, you will not be able to take the L4 up. Part of the requirements is to be able to be an AR on Contrib matches.

Either your nomination would be held over, or you would need to go though 5-4 again.
I know a few people who have done this and remained a level 4 when they've come back from a year away on international study whilst doing a degree. If you speak to the central FA they will let you know. You might just not have a 'free season' when you come back.

Not going 5-4 this season in their will hold you back 2/3 years as you will be going 5-4 when your back when you could be a 4.
Less serious; your thread title question was brilliant - "what happens if I am not around for a season?"

The fa shut the whole league down until you come back of course! :p

Sorry, couldn't resist. Carry on...