Where to find club marks


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,

Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of where to view your club marks?

thank you
A&H International
Hi all,

Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of where to view your club marks?

thank you
I don’t think you have access to them until you get to level 4.
Some counties may tell you what your average is, but where I am they won’t tell us.
It will be the league that collects club marks rather than county.

And yes, unless there is a particular low mark that they believe is justified or a concerning pattern of low marks, likely the most you'll be able to get is your average and the league average for comparison.

If it's just general interest then that should be enough? If there is a particular game that you are concerned is likely to get low club marks, it's probably to just directly ask the referees secretary if they've had any feedback on that game rather than being coy and asking for marks. Most Refs sec's are smart enough to know that unbalanced marks in one game will usually correlate with who won and lost and will take it with a pinch of salt in those cases.
I would never tell a referee their individual marks, too much of a risk of conflict between them and the club that gave out low marks. But if they are getting the same feedback on low mark reports I will collate that and send to them, after all the written reports needed for marks less than 61 are supposed to contain constructive feedback to help the referee improve.

Every referee would be offered their average mark at the end of each season, along with how that compared to the league average mark.