Why did the ref allow a player to try and put a player off?


New Member
Level 8 Referee
I am a Wycombe Wanderers supporter and also a casual referee. One of our players does videos and this one stood out to me when he posted it.

Throughout the clip you can see what he is doing, and you can even see the official (Kevin Friend) laughing at what is happening. I don't officiate adults, mainly U14s-U16s, but I would always put a stop to it as I would see it as unsportsmanlike behaviour.

Is it because its a professional game so they let it go? What is it that means this isn't counted as unsportsmanlike behaviour? Taf's does comment saying he is good mates with him and would expect it back, but how would an official know this and what would stop it escalating?
A&H International
Has this come as a shock and some illusion that we have 22 Mother Teresas on the pitch is shattrered?

There is nothing to see ( or hear) here. The professional game is brutal, anything and everything that can be done as an advantage, is done. Legal, morally suspicious, or downright cheating, Its win at all costs.
There are win bonuses, contracts, wages, up for grabs here. Reputations, egos.

Grass roots, something proactive might be sensible, at the level in the clip, this is how it is. If the referee is smiling, that will be because he is perfectly in tandem with proceedings. There is nothing of interest in this clip.
i agree with both @Anubis and @Big Cat

this type of 'banter' is par for the course while he's waiting to take the kick however if it continues once the whistle is blown i'd be looking to step in.

that all said, 'vadz' doesnt seem fussed with it after he missed or while he was preparing either
Doubt the player taking the pen could hear the gobshite on the sidelines with the stadium noise tbh.
Has this come as a shock and some illusion that we have 22 Mother Teresas on the pitch is shattrered?

No, but where do you draw the line between legally banter/putting someone off, and unsportsmanlike behaviour? Would you yourself accept it when ball is in play or after the whistle has been blown for the penalty to be taken?

LOTG only state its unsportsman like when "verbally distracts an opponent during play or at a restart". So during a penalty, it's acceptable to do this throughout according to you agreeing with this video, even though I would say in this case, when the whistle has been blown, it has been restarted (rather than when the ball is kicked).
Doubt the player taking the pen could hear the gobshite on the sidelines with the stadium noise tbh.

It's not someone on the sideline. It's a player on the pitch, the centre back (if you pause it at 22s, its him).
No, but where do you draw the line between legally banter/putting someone off, and unsportsmanlike behaviour? Would you yourself accept it when ball is in play or after the whistle has been blown for the penalty to be taken?

LOTG only state its unsportsman like when "verbally distracts an opponent during play or at a restart". So during a penalty, it's acceptable to do this throughout according to you agreeing with this video, even though I would say in this case, when the whistle has been blown, it has been restarted (rather than when the ball is kicked).

The fact the players and ref see nothing amiss should be a clue

there is really nothing happening here. Its nothing different to any other passage in play, other than its been caught on tape.

There is no senior referee who is going to stop the pen taker, mid run up, and ask the opponent to be quiet, nevermind caution.
Oh right. Amazing audio quality... as someone who works in broadcasting I'm jealous :D

Yes it's quite nice to see it at this level, it gives a better understanding of how games are played at the level, what happens on and off the pitch.
Yes it's quite nice to see it at this level, it gives a better understanding of how games are played at the level, what happens on and off the pitch.
Been looking at a few of his videos now. At first I thought he was a bit of a wally, but comes across as a decent enough chap (by footballer standards). Always had a soft spot for Wycombe, lovely ground to go to as an away fan, was there about a month ago. Probably my most visited "away" ground.
The only issue I have is the scream as he goes to kick the ball, that might well have me reaching for the whistle, although not if there is no reaction from the taker. The rest is just part and parcel of pro football.
Interesting to compare this thread to all the pictures going round of laser pointers on Salah last night...
Interesting to compare this thread to all the pictures going round of laser pointers on Salah last night...
Unless it was players that had the laser pointers it isn't really comparable. Nothing the referee can do about that other than alert the authorities.
I think it's comparable as he's entitled to delay and maybe even order a retake if he considers the distraction to be unacceptable. He can't show a yellow card to members of the crowd obviously, but I also don't think he's obliged to insist the player takes the kick immediately if there's a clear distraction going on, regardless of it's source.