The Ref Stop

Dem regulations!!!

The Ref Stop
To be fair to them if they allowed this then it sets a precedent that the transfer deadline can be made flexible which would only lead to problems in the future. If they allowed it because it was only 14 seconds then suddenly clubs are going to argue about transfers that are only 5 minutes late or 10 minutes late and so on.
The Ref Stop
Hope they used an atomic clock to define the closing of the window.....otherwise I suspect they'll lose.
The Ref Stop
Hope they used an atomic clock to define the closing of the window.....otherwise I suspect they'll lose.

I work in IT in a financial services trading environment, and we have to be 100% certain that 100% of devices match the atomic clock exactly for obvious reasons. I would hope that FIFA have the same controls in place, but I have much less confidence in that.

The player here could claim restriction of trade, as for no fault of his own he is now unable to perform his profession until January. So this is contrary to EU law, but by the time they'd sorted that out he'd be back at Leicester at it would be after January..
Its not one form, its a series of forms, they had them all, apart from the last one..... Surely there is leeway here as the process surely started and was 99% complete. Yes, there has to be a cut off but 14 seconds... come on!!!!
It's all artificially created nonsense, should be an open market 24/7/365........
Its not one form, its a series of forms, they had them all, apart from the last one..... Surely there is leeway here as the process surely started and was 99% complete. Yes, there has to be a cut off but 14 seconds... come on!!!!
So, if not 14 seconds what do you suggest? If you allow 10 minutes leeway would you allow 14 seconds on top of that? When refereeing would you let the match run on beyond time so that one team might score?
We add on time for lots of things in a game OIREF, its a very inexact science. We are not talking here about one specific piece of paper we are talking about a series of forms and compliances that were all received. Yes, if its the first bit of paper and they are clearly stretching things then that is very different, but come on, every intension was here to complete a legitamate deal. Is someone stopped from working earning money because of 14 seconds??? Thats harsh in the extreme........
There was a great documentary following Chris Wilders (SUFC) dealings on decline day and evening, its not as straightforward as everyone thinks. There was one Watford lad that a deal was agreed between the clubs and he travelled to Sheffield, he was at the train station. His 20 year old agent then changed the agreed wage / contract demands and the deal was scuppered. These leeches on football are sucking revenue out of the game and milking the system with clubs desperate to compete.

Add into the mix, passports, international clearances and work permits etc and i'm sure you can see that problems can surface late in the day to bugger up what seems as easy as an email being late.....
Ok lads....ignore the rule books policies and procedures drop the LOTG during matches and do what you like when you like! The guy isn't able to ply his trade because they didn't fulfil the obligations within the set timescale..I just ran the red light officer, yes I was 14 seconds late but it's only 14 seconds.....yes I caught him after the ball only 14 seconds late ref, let's just ignore the very well known procedures sure they won't care it's only a few seconds....oh wait...lesson learnt! Next time get it before the deadline as the deadline is the deadline for a reason!
Ok lads....ignore the rule books policies and procedures drop the LOTG during matches and do what you like when you like! The guy isn't able to ply his trade because they didn't fulfil the obligations within the set timescale..I just ran the red light officer, yes I was 14 seconds late but it's only 14 seconds.....yes I caught him after the ball only 14 seconds late ref, let's just ignore the very well known procedures sure they won't care it's only a few seconds....oh wait...lesson learnt! Next time get it before the deadline as the deadline is the deadline for a reason!

I take it you're giving free kicks every week for goalkeepers not releasing the ball once 7 seconds has elapsed?
Clubs have a 3 month window to register new players. Don't really understand why so many clubs leave it until the last few days of the window, then run round like headless chickens trying to complete last minute deals.

Tough on the player, but no sympathy for the clubs, most things in life work to deadlines. Give someone an extra 14 seconds, someone else will want 14 minutes then 14 hours etc. As they say give them an inch and they will take a mile. You have to draw line somewhere.
The simple answer is they put a rule in that when this happens the player must go back to their old club on their old contract terms. Harsh on the club if they have brought someone into replace him, but it isn't fair that a player cannot ply his trade through no fault of his own.

That said, I suspect that in many cases the reason the transfer has dragged onto the last seconds is that the agent has tried to get more money for his client, so everyone has their fair share of the blame.
@RustyRef I'm sure FIFA will have heard of or similar. Won't they. Surely. Yes? Maybe, maybe no...

Back on topic, a player strikes the ball just before you blow the whistle for full time. The ball, despite the keeper attempting to save it, ends up in the back of the net. Goal or no goal? Obviously, a no goal - time was up, doesn't matter what had happened before the whistle went, but once time is up, then time is up.
If they were auditioning for 'The Child Catcher' part in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......You lot should all apply. Not a bone of charity amongst the lot of ye!!!..... :blackeye::)
If they were auditioning for 'The Child Catcher' part in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......You lot should all apply. Not a bone of charity amongst the lot of ye!!!..... :blackeye::)

Whether we agree with it or not rules are rules, and if FIFA make an exception in this case then they will have set a precedent where they will have to make other exceptions
Whether we agree with it or not rules are rules, and if FIFA make an exception in this case then they will have set a precedent where they will have to make other exceptions

Yes agree, but as my (sarcastic) post above implies, we all ignore the 6 second rule, because it would just look ridiculous penalising a GK for not releasing exactly after the 6 seconds is up - this is the same. One document, a few seconds late - time to let Mr Common Sense in the room I think.
world cup final 1 1 time up, ref says aw lets play another 14 seconds illegal time, one team score, does only 14 seconds matter then