The Ref Stop


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Level 7 Referee
Not too sure on this one in a friendly match today. Had two players go at each other, white told the blue where to go, blue took offence and swore back, the white player then cuffed the blue round the back of the head. All this happened with the ball on the opposite side of the pitch but sometimes you just know trouble is brewing so I was keeping one eye on it. White retaliated by pushing him in the chest, a bit more pushing and aggressiveness so by the time I got there I had decided they were both going off. As they went one of the whites complained about a racist remark by the blue. I explained that I didn't hear it so could do nothing so the blue then kindly repeated it loud enough for me to hear. The comment? "You British bitch." The Blue player is Russian (I've refereed that team several times this season so I knew him anyway). Is it considered racist to call someone a British bitch. If he had said black bitch or white bitch then yes, but British? I really don't know.
The Ref Stop
In my opinion, that is not a discriminatory remark that needs to be specifically reported as such. However, if the original send off was for violent conduct, then you simply need to submit an extraordinary report detailing the player's words / actions subsequent to receiving the red card. County Discipline will take it from there ....
If in doubt, report. Much better that you report it and let the CFA decide that it doesn't require any further punishment than not report and it gets back to them anyway.
To answer the question, I don't think it's racist. It wouldn't be racist to be called a French bitch, for example, although obviously being called French is far worse than being called a bitch.

Being British is not a protected characteristic in the legislation either.

PS I'm half french
Of course context matters and I think you have given me enough context here.

For me this is racist. It comes down to why he would use the word "British" in a derogatory way. If it was "Chinese..." Or "African..." In a derogatory way it would be racist. The intent is to say a kind of human is inferior to another. It doesn't have to be the a 'minority kind'.

In any case you are not sending off for it being racist. You are sending off for it being insulting or offensive. And I think in this case it was both, and I think many other would too.
For me this is racist. It comes down to why he would use the word "British" in a derogatory way.

Let's set aside for a moment the ridiculous idea that being called British could possibly be used in a derogatory sense.*

There is nothing racist about this comment because ones Britishness is not a question of race. It's no more racist than being called "short" or "bald".
Being British isn’t a race, it’s an ethnicity so technically, it’s not racist. However, I would also say to report it as you were told and let the FA make the decision. At the very least it’s INOFFABUS
It's xenophobic if it is anything... Which is not too far from racism.
I would be reporting this to the FA in my post match misconduct and allow them to decide on the severity of the language.

Agree, referring to someone by their nationality is completely unnecessary. I would report it as an extraordinary incident and let the CFA deal with it.
Let's set aside for a moment the ridiculous idea that being called British could possibly be used in a derogatory sense.*

There is nothing racist about this comment because ones Britishness is not a question of race. It's no more racist than being called "short" or "bald".
Lets hope nobody from ****stan gets called the shorter word for their country on your pitch
To echo what the others have said, report what you heard and let the FA decide whether any action is needed.

There’s still an option to select “not sure” when reporting misconduct on whole game isn’t there?
To answer the question, I don't think it's racist. It wouldn't be racist to be called a French bitch, for example, although obviously being called French is far worse than being called a bitch.

Being British is not a protected characteristic in the legislation either.

PS I'm half french
You are wrong. British is a nationality like English, Welsh or Scottish.

Race discrimination is when you’re treated unfairly because of one of the following things:
  • colour
  • nationality
  • ethnic origin
  • national origin.
You can be discriminated against because you belong to a certain racial group. People who share the same colour, nationality or ethnic or national origins are part of the same racial group. Race is one of the protected characteristics named in the Equality Act.

Action to be taken is still the same - extraordinary report and let the County FA sort it out.
Being British isn’t a race, it’s an ethnicity so technically, it’s not racist. However, I would also say to report it as you were told and let the FA make the decision. At the very least it’s INOFFABUS
At least according to the Oxford Languages definition, that would still put it within the definition of racism, to wit:

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group
(Emphasis mine).

It is xenophobic and needs reporting. It may not be the most offensive example of discriminatory language on the pitch you’ll hear but it is still discrimination.

As a player I was sent off after pushing a player who’d called me a spastic, despite explaining this to the ref and why that word is so offensive (I understand he didn’t hear it, just wanted it acknowledged and recorded), it’s clear he wasn’t really bothered and afaik he never reported it. Shook my faith in the game and is part of why I decided to ref. Even if a comment doesn’t seem to bother you that much, it can push some out of the game.
I’m currently reading Clattenburg’s autobiography and there’s a whole chapter about his issues with Chelsea after they accused him of racism.

Part of that was that he was accused of calling Juan Mata a “Spanish Tw*t”

This is no different in my eyes. Whilst a few have touched on the fact it’s probably not deemed to be that offensive to most, it is still a clear case of discriminatory language intended to cause offence and is certainly a reportable offence.
From the lotg point of view, it's not being racist that makes it a send off offence, its not being xenophobic that makes it a send off offence or it's not being discriminatory that makes it a send off offence, it's being offensive or insulting that makes it a send off offence. So the semantic discussed above makes no difference. Was the PO offensive? For me yes, and in fact I am fairly certain it was said intending to offend.

As a side note, if you send off for it, I would recommend to report it as you deemed it to be offensive/insulting. I wouldn't say I deemed racist, xenophobic etc. That's for the league to decide.
From the lotg point of view, it's not being racist that makes it a send off offence, its not being xenophobic that makes it a send off offence or it's not being discriminatory that makes it a send off offence, it's being offensive or insulting that makes it a send off offence. So the semantic discussed above makes no difference. Was the PO offensive? For me yes, and in fact I am fairly certain it was said intending to offend.

As a side note, if you send off for it, I would recommend to report it as you deemed it to be offensive/insulting. I wouldn't say I deemed racist, xenophobic etc. That's for the league to decide.
In England, which is why there is a debate, we literally report offinabus for reds no words need to be recorded
However, We are required to provide an extra report on the language used if it's discriminatory, and that's what's being debated. Is it worthy of the additional report? My view is yes
In England, which is why there is a debate, we literally report offinabus for reds no words need to be recorded
However, We are required to provide an extra report on the language used if it's discriminatory, and that's what's being debated. Is it worthy of the additional report? My view is yes
For clarity, in terms of the Original Post, the cards were not for OFFINABUS. The player(s) were already being dismissed for their physical actions regardless of any language that may have been used (as the referee was on the other side of the pitch). The language reportedly used is, based on our debate, at least borderline discriminatory, so there is simply no reason not to add a brief Extraordinary Report and let the County FA, with all their experience of similar incidents, decide if it's worthy of further sanction / follow up.
The OP is taking the term 'racist' beyond the limit IMHO
However, nothing wrong with sticking it in an Exceptional Report. That way, washing one's hands of the issue to let someone else decide
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