Liverpool vs West Brom

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But only in the top divisions right? I'll have to take some painkillers when I go and watch Barnet or Stevenage next week because I'll get a headache from Barry the delivery driver who won't stop suggesting we need technology. :facepalm:
A&H International
If refeering is not about right or wrong decisons then its pointless any of us packing our kitbag this afternoon far less claiming a match fee. (From a club who rely on you to make the right calls)


They rely on you to turn up and facilitate a game of football according to the LOTG, without fear or favour.
They would like you to get every single decision correct (except for the ones that go against them, those ones they are quite happy for you to get wrong) but they accept that you are human and as such, not infallible therefore you may make mistakes.....just in the same way that their players or managers make mistakes.
The difference is that it is far easier for them to blame you, the referee, than it is for them to blame their own players or managers....which is why when you make a perceived mistake, they will moan whereas they are strangely silent when their own players or managers make one.

At the very top level, it's all about money.....and this the only reason we are even bothering with VAR......the clubs have put massive pressure on the PL, PGMOL, the FA etc because that one single mistake an elite level official might make could be the difference between a CL place or not....promotion or relegation....etc etc.
All about money. The clubs don't care that it ruins the flow of the game, removes credibility for officials, bores the pants of spectators etc etc....they only care about shareholders and profit.
I think this match very neatly proves why VAR is both a good thing and currently implemented badly.

If Liverpool had scored the penalty, VAR would have facilitated a swing from 1-3 based on wrong decisions to 2-2 based on correct ones. That's a significant impact and if Liverpool hadn't been so poor as to collapse anyway, it would have been game-defining - and although I don't thnik it's currently the case at Liverpool we can all think of managers who's jobs have been saved or lost based on cup runs. I'm baffled how getting these decisions objectively right could possibly be considered a bad thing for football or refereeing standards in isolation.

But, as many have pointed out already, it has significant flaws too. Time used up carrying out reviews is clearly not being added on correctly, it looks absolutely rubbish to those in the ground and not much better to those watching on TV at home, and perhaps most importantly to those of us on this forum, it's coming dangerously close to affecting the actual decisions referees are making.

The last point I think will be less of a factor if a review system is implemented - referees won't want to have a manager overturn their decision, so extra incentive to get decisions right rather than taking the "safe" option that can be easily reviewed. Perhaps we need to consider an independant timekeeper as well, as referees clearly can't be trusted to stop their watches correctly at the moment. And the issue of why replays can't be show in stadiums and we can't be allowed to listen to the referee's communication is a much bigger one than just VAR....
If refeering is not about right or wrong decisons then its pointless any of us packing our kitbag this afternoon far less claiming a match fee. (From a club who rely on you to make the right calls)
Please get down off that horse! Of course referees want to get their decisions correct, you're just being silly to suggest otherwise.
Do some of us want to change the way the professional game is played, no we don't. Foot ball is supposed to be a free flowing sport and there are already enough stoppages without the VAR.
Yes it's correct to trial it but it needs to be smarter, quicker or not introduced at all. The vast majority of referees will never experience it anyway.......it will never be used when the cloggers of the Dog and Duck play Ye Olde Blue Bell on a Sunday morning.
This thread has completely lost it.

If you want to start a SENSIBLE debate on VAR start another one.

@Ciley Myrus - keep the debate within forum expectations.
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