Red card scenario


Always smiling
A scenario I was thinking of and how would you card them ! Say two players from opposite teams engage in a fight you now are issuing red cards for violent conduct would you call them both over together or would you call one then the other to avoid having both players together incase of a further incident? I know they will be expecting the red but may still feel irate .
A&H International
I tend to deal with them one by one, and as far removed from where the players are assembling. That way they have a direct route off the pitch that they can't come into contact with the player they have been faffing about with.

If you think things will kick off again, getting the captain's involved may be useful I would have thought?
However you do it try and leave a little time between each dismissal. You don't want to flash two quick reds and have both players walking off together it case it kicks off again.
Send the Away player first, deal with any yellows for the Away team, then send the Home player off and deal with Home yellows. The delay between the two should allow the first player to be clear before the next player goes.
It would be fairly unusual to have two players fight and absolutely no one else get involved! I would usually split the two teams up as a whole, deal with one team as a whole, then deal with the other team as a whole. As well as allowing the sent off players to leave seperately, it also helps reduce the chance of something else kicking off behind your back as you give out the cards.
agree with the other guys get away from other players calmly, and slowly bollock both players, keep a distance between players/referee do it the proper way, not the select group, quick draw cards,
i agree bin the home team player then repeat with the away player,
remember let the home player get well out of the way before binning
the other player, you dont want round 2 on the side lines
Happens to me a few times this, I remember one where a captain and a mixed race player went into a tackle, foul at worst to mixed race player. Next second they are going head to head then wallop, punch then retaliation punch, mixed race guy was steaming saying he’d been racially abused in the melee, called white player over first and sent him off for the retaliatory punch then sent off the mixed race guy off too for throwing the first punch. He and his team were adamant that that was unfair but no question for me to let the FA sort it out with the racial accusation too. I hadn’t heard it but white player said he called him a f£&@ng c#€$ with no colour mentioned. Who knows, not my issue! Bye bye!