What’s your Ref routine?

I will politely refer you to page 71 that says:

7. Liability of Match Officials
A referee or other match official is not held liable for:
• any kind of injury suffered by a player, official or spectator
• any damage to property of any kind
• any other loss suffered by any individual, club, company, association or other
body, which is due or which may be due to any decision taken under the
terms of the Laws of the Game or in respect of the normal procedures
required to hold, play and control a match.
Such decisions may include a decision:
• that the condition of the field of play or its surrounds or that the weather
conditions are such as to allow or not to allow a match to take place
• to abandon a match for whatever reason
• as to the suitability of the field equipment and ball used during a match
• to stop or not to stop a match due to spectator interference or any problem
in spectator areas
• to stop or not to stop play to allow an injured player to be removed from the
field of play for treatment
• to require an injured player to be removed from the field of play for
• to allow or not to allow a player to wear certain clothing or equipment
• where the referee has the authority, to allow or not to allow any persons
(including team or stadium officials, security officers, photographers or
other media representatives) to be present in the vicinity of the field of play
• any other decision taken in accordance with the Laws of the Game or in
conformity with their duties under the terms of FIFA, confederation, national
football association or competition rules or regulations under which the
match is played

Therefore, if you have found a referee liable on any committee, I respectfully tell you that you have made a mistake.
Want to bounce that one around. In my County a couple of years ago, the only reason a referee, a league, a County FA and a Council were not found guilty of being liable for negligence, as evidenced by an injury which caused a player to miss a few weeks off work, was because the referee was seen carrying out a cursory inspection of the field of play.

The protection referenced in the LotG refer to liability in terms of the outcome of a game. If however you fail to demonstrate the necessary basic requirements to avoid a negligence charge, then the law of the land will make you a judgement rendering you guilty of negligence. You will be held liable and you will be fined by the court.

So CM's actions are intended to demonstrate that a league has taken action to address a negligent action by one of their agents which in turn may mitigate any liability by the league.
A&H International
As for my own routine. Turn up 40 mins before KO, check the field and nets, check the player's equipment, check the ball, have a wander, chat to the coaches, chat to the speccys, chat to the players, do a Respect handshake, coin toss and off we go.
Want to bounce that one around. In my County a couple of years ago, the only reason a referee, a league, a County FA and a Council were not found guilty of being liable for negligence, as evidenced by an injury which caused a player to miss a few weeks off work, was because the referee was seen carrying out a cursory inspection of the field of play.

The protection referenced in the LotG refer to liability in terms of the outcome of a game. If however you fail to demonstrate the necessary basic requirements to avoid a negligence charge, then the law of the land will make you adjudge you guilty of negligence. You will be held liable and you will be fined by the court.

So CM's actions are intended to demonstrate that a league has taken action to address a negligent action by one of their agents which in turn may mitigate any liability by the league.

This is the exact same situation in the case I was part of. Extreme yes, but it can, and no doubt in the future, will happen

A set of goals WILL fall on a 9yo goalie and as we know in life, someone will be too blame.... don't let it be you

edit, without impact of a shot, which would be an accident, as opposed to them falling down by themselves, well, that is easy taken as negligent, before someone (correctly) says, we cant cover every scenario.
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I always did a pitch inspection, i've found a few strange items over the years, glass, bricks, chewed up tin cans from grass cutting and of course canine leftovers..... Loved asking them to remove it and the cries of its not their job etc!!! Well, we didn't start till it was scooped!!!
I always did a pitch inspection, i've found a few strange items over the years, glass, bricks, chewed up tin cans from grass cutting and of course canine leftovers..... Loved asking them to remove it and the cries of its not their job etc!!! Well, we didn't start till it was scooped!!!

Last Sunday I found a one of the nets had 3 forks from the kitchen instead of pegs!

I only check the match ball on Sunday League but a couple of months a go several match balls had gone over the goal and in to the field behind during the first half.

I blew the whistle at half time and I collected the match ball from the players and as I walked off for a brew I noticed that it was a size 4 ball. We must be been using it for a good 10 mins and nobody noticed it.

Always learning (and making mistakes).
Want to bounce that one around. In my County a couple of years ago, the only reason a referee, a league, a County FA and a Council were not found guilty of being liable for negligence, as evidenced by an injury which caused a player to miss a few weeks off work, was because the referee was seen carrying out a cursory inspection of the field of play.

The protection referenced in the LotG refer to liability in terms of the outcome of a game. If however you fail to demonstrate the necessary basic requirements to avoid a negligence charge, then the law of the land will make you a judgement rendering you guilty of negligence. You will be held liable and you will be fined by the court.

So CM's actions are intended to demonstrate that a league has taken action to address a negligent action by one of their agents which in turn may mitigate any liability by the league.
as you'll note from my other posts I am not advocating non- inspection..nor am I talking about a court of law. Ciley said he was on a committee. A committe is guided by lotg for its jurisdiction in terms of football governance.
Totally aware that laws of the country you are officiating trump anything in lotg.
I always did a pitch inspection, i've found a few strange items over the years, glass, bricks, chewed up tin cans from grass cutting and of course canine leftovers..... Loved asking them to remove it and the cries of its not their job etc!!! Well, we didn't start till it was scooped!!!
Isn't it the refs duty to remove objects from FOP or is it not?
Our job is to point it out. If, like sheff pointed out, it’s a brick or something it’s probably quicker and easier just to move it as you’re there but dog poo etc, go to the home team
It's a sh1t job but someone has to do it, and its not the referee!!! :cool:
Oi mods! Where's my picture gone....the one of Compo and myself posted by @Sheffields Finest?
Where has it gone???
What the ruddy hell?
We're refs who stray off topic, not robots :meh:
I have no qualms about removing doggy do from the FOP as i'm a dog lover. Unusual for a cat i'd say
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I turned up, on time, did my job, to the best of my ability and didn't go telling tales to the teacher when things weren't to my liking... I sucked it up, learned from the experience, improved my own performance, If I missed something one game it went into the memory banks for another, I remembered who was who and what they were probably going to do or say so I was prepared. I usually knew rough divisional positions and even chatted with other referees who has certain teams under closer scrutiny over behaviour etc...Remember the Six P's.....
Love when a whole community persists in the belief that it's ever ok to tuck your top in......just wrong.........you're not at a dinner!
Ah so you believe that you should tuck your shirt in at dinner. Is that just you or the whole community? :)
LOTG is not a legal document. I am not an expert in legal matter but from my experience it would act like a contract. Just like any contract it's only enforceable if it's not in breach of the law of land. No contract can say referees are not liable for incidents due to negligence.
I think in Joes defence here (and i can relate to it) is what hes saying is in Junior football there isnt anywhere near as much to do as in say decent standard Counties game.

Most teams only turn up 20 minutes before the KO then they have to put nets up, team sheets are never filled in before the game as the managers have to put scores and scorers on the sheet.

I imagine hes doing more than one game a day so the second game starts as the other one finishes.

Ive always found 20 minutes at junior level is sufficient as im already in my kit and nets will only just be going up.
I think in Joes defence here (and i can relate to it) is what hes saying is in Junior football there isnt anywhere near as much to do as in say decent standard Counties game.

Most teams only turn up 20 minutes before the KO then they have to put nets up, team sheets are never filled in before the game as the managers have to put scores and scorers on the sheet.

I imagine hes doing more than one game a day so the second game starts as the other one finishes.

Ive always found 20 minutes at junior level is sufficient as im already in my kit and nets will only just be going up.
Basically spot on mate some times I finish one game and my next game which is usually on pitch next to one I've just been on the players are all lined up in formation so I'm literally blowing for FT in one game then 30 seconds later blowing to start another game haha
Basically spot on mate some times I finish one game and my next game which is usually on pitch next to one I've just been on the players are all lined up in formation so I'm literally blowing for FT in one game then 30 seconds later blowing to start another game haha

can I ask respectfully, how you handle a injury (or ball burst or some other unexpected stoppage) where the player is down for an extended period, and, say its 2-1 in a cup tie or even a league game, and for arguements sake, 5/6/7 mins should be added on
do you stop on the 90/80 whatever, because you have another game????