Free kick against you if you miss a penalty

A&H International
OK, just to be accurate, it's the IFAB that is considering this, not FIFA (FIFA has a say in it but it's not their prerogative to change the Laws).

Secondly this is the same 'item for discussion' that has been on the IFAB's radar - and on their 'Play Fair!' website for over a year now (closer to two, I think) and which we've discussed several times before on here. However, unless there's been some change that hasn't been publicised, the proposal was that if a penalty kick is missed, a goal kick would be given.

The actual wording on the IFAB's website is:
at most penalty kicks, players from both teams enter the penalty area before the kick which annoys people as referees rarely punish them, often because their focus is on the kicker and goalkeeper. This problem could be removed by making every penalty kick a ‘kick from the penalty mark’ i.e. the kicker either scores or it is missed/saved. If the kick is not successful, the referee would stop play and award a goal kick.

IFAB Play Fair! website

More interesting - to me at least, is the first hint I've seen as to how the IFAB might be considering rewording the handball law to include a mention of 'unnatural movement' (rather than 'unnatural position' - or as well as?) as one of the considerations.
Sorry if it had been mentioned. Was not aware.
I took the news from BBC gossip page so assumed it was relatively new.
This is daft. In free play, the attacker is able to follow through with a shot that bounces off the keeper/post. What, so this opportunity is removed?

I frequently wonder if those idiots at IFAB have ever actually watched a game in their life.

What problem do they think they're fixing here?
This is daft. In free play, the attacker is able to follow through with a shot that bounces off the keeper/post. What, so this opportunity is removed?

I frequently wonder if those idiots at IFAB have ever actually watched a game in their life.

What problem do they think they're fixing here?
As Peter's post points out, the problem this is aiming to fix is the problem of referees not applying encroachment laws properly. I wonder if anyone else can think of another way around that problem?
IFAB has the perfect opportunity to stop the practice for many countries who use VAR (and spread the correct practice from there). Yet you get this in the protocol.


Basically you can be level with the pen taker but if you don't impact play, no review, even though its a factual offence.

And from PG's quote "referees rarely punish them, often because their focus is on the kicker and goalkeeper" which is rubbish. referees don't punish them because they are expected not to from up above.
As Peter's post points out, the problem this is aiming to fix is the problem of referees not applying encroachment laws properly. I wonder if anyone else can think of another way around that problem?

Introduce a penalty line which players must stand behind at the taking of a penalty, 25 yards from goal OR make them stand on the half way line. Well @GraemeS you did ask :rolleyes::rolleyes:
make them dress up as a morris dancer and do a jig! If it is enforced at the top level it will be easier for us at the bottom to enforce, like lots of things.
Apologies to all morris dancers.
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It's an interesting idea, have a line behind which players must stand at the taking of a penalty. I wonder why that hasn't been thought of before? On a serious note, this would appear to put the advantage back in to the defending teams hands, which is not what a foul/PK is about. Then you get in to the "legalese" of what defines a miss - keeper gets a touch on it or not, what if the keeper does and touches it out for a corner, what if the keeper blocks it back out in to open play, what if the keeper catches it - can he not punt it down field from his hands to get their own attack on? The Laws are fine as they are here, as ever they just need enforcing.

On a side note, is #WhatFootballExpects the new #SpiritOfTheGame ?
How about we choose an arbitrary distance, like 10 yards, and then draw a line exactly 10 yards away from where the penalty spot is... it'll be like an arc, and it'll make sure no players go closer than 10 yards until the penalty is taken.
We could do it for kick offs, too.
It will never take off that, rubbish idea!! :p:p
Change the positions round for the officials. Referee on the touchline, assistant in line with the edge of the box watching for encroachment. You can’t be offside from a penalty anyway
Simple. Remove encroachment entirely. Just set everyone bar the kicker 10 yards from the ball, goalkeeper 12 yards and once the kicker moves then allow encroachment. It would shorten the run up by the kicker as well.
The fact is I would say is that 99% of kicks there is encroachment of some description just not called on missed kicks.
Instead now we have a caution for the GK trying to eliminate GK encroachment which is further reason why it is not called.
In Rugby Union on a conversion everyone stands until the kicker moves. Then it is what ever can be done.
Simple. Remove encroachment entirely. Just set everyone bar the kicker 10 yards from the ball, goalkeeper 12 yards and once the kicker moves then allow encroachment. It would shorten the run up by the kicker as well.
The fact is I would say is that 99% of kicks there is encroachment of some description just not called on missed kicks.
Instead now we have a caution for the GK trying to eliminate GK encroachment which is further reason why it is not called.
In Rugby Union on a conversion everyone stands until the kicker moves. Then it is what ever can be done.
I assume you mean everyone else 10 yards out AND behind the ball.

This doesn't remove the problem, just shifts it, like other solutions above. What do you do if they run in before the kicker moves.

Union is different in that the kicker at least 20 yard away from others.
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Simple. Remove encroachment entirely. Just set everyone bar the kicker 10 yards from the ball, goalkeeper 12 yards and once the kicker moves then allow encroachment. It would shorten the run up by the kicker as well.
The fact is I would say is that 99% of kicks there is encroachment of some description just not called on missed kicks.
Instead now we have a caution for the GK trying to eliminate GK encroachment which is further reason why it is not called.
In Rugby Union on a conversion everyone stands until the kicker moves. Then it is what ever can be done.
Why do we need to shorten the run up for the kick taker as well? It's part of the penalty and the attacker would take it how they feel comfortable (unless you're Pogba who does his for gimmicks sake). This almost feels like trying to hurry the kick taker in something which is supposed to be their advantage