How long before Coronavirus impacts Football?

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A&H International
All games in Norfolk have been postponed until April 3rd. I have my first County Cup Final in May, but I'm expecting that to be off as well. Absolutely gutted - awful way to end a good season 😩
just waiting for Suffolk to cancel all games although I have just received an appointment for Saturday. I had a county cup final fixture at Portman Road, like you Alex I am not expecting that to go ahead, not sure I will get promotion as I have only had 2 observations 6 months between the two, so I stay a 7 I suppose, But peoples health is more important and if these measures save just one life it is worth it.
The Prime Minister has just told the nation to avoid social contact.
Guess that is the end of the season
I'm on my travels, Huntly near Elgin on Sunday night, (422 miles) Glasgow now. Thankfully my call in Dungannon on thursday has just called and said we can do it via Skype or two tin cans but i dont have to go! Yipeee
Just imagine being stuck in NI on lockdown with no planes or ferries home. How would Mrs SF cope!!! ;)
its going to be a long summer with no sport. Alot of clubs share pitches with cricket clubs so even if the season is extended there is not going to be enough pitches and those which are left need to recover
just waiting for Suffolk to cancel all games although I have just received an appointment for Saturday. I had a county cup final fixture at Portman Road, like you Alex I am not expecting that to go ahead, not sure I will get promotion as I have only had 2 observations 6 months between the two, so I stay a 7 I suppose, But peoples health is more important and if these measures save just one life it is worth it.
Well done on the appointment, big one that!
The FA have announced that all grassroots football is suspended.

We have issued a further update regarding the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on football in England.

Following the Government’s announcement today, for people to avoid social contact and gatherings where possible, we are now advising that all grassroots football in England is postponed for the foreseeable future.

Throughout this period, we have taken Government advice with the priority being the health and wellbeing of all. We will continue to work closely with the grassroots game during this time.

We are in regular communication with the Government and the situation within English football at all levels remains under regular review. Further updates will follow as needed.
It was always coming, they’d leave themselves open to everything legally if they didn’t follow government advice.
The FA have announced that all grassroots football is suspended.

We have issued a further update regarding the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on football in England.

Following the Government’s announcement today, for people to avoid social contact and gatherings where possible, we are now advising that all grassroots football in England is postponed for the foreseeable future.

Throughout this period, we have taken Government advice with the priority being the health and wellbeing of all. We will continue to work closely with the grassroots game during this time.

We are in regular communication with the Government and the situation within English football at all levels remains under regular review. Further updates will follow as needed.
The FA guidance is to stop training, friendly...all football has been suspended.

I think that it for local grassroots football for the 19-20 season, as I cannot see it restarting before Easter.

The FA will need to advise on how the final tables will be decided.
Surely at grass roots level it would be sensible to just void the season across all UK league's. There's no financial or commercial considerations at grass roots so put it down to an extraordinary event and have another go next year. No promotions or delegations, the cups also abandoned
Well lads I'd like to thank you's for another good season.

I was meant to have a county cup final as well as still needing to be assessed to be promoted.

Whatever the outcome I'd just like to thanks those who have given me advice / tips / help this season.

I wish you's the best of luck for whenever the football returns.

Stay safe everyone.
There are Winners and losers in all this, Cushelle, Andrex, Claims Direct..... But spare a thought for the business minnows, pubs, cafes, and the Leeds tattoo artist who was banking on updating last years masterpiece!
I’d be very surprised if the season is voided at any level including ours. The work and effort that FAs and leagues have put into cups alone is substantial. They’ll go ahead at least. We’ve got until 31 May at the very least with the possibility of the close season (June) being waived
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