The Ref Stop

Back pass query


New Member
I had an interesting moment in my game today; defender played the ball back to the keeper but he is not where he expected and the ball is going in. The keeper races back and stops it with his hands so it’s a back pass and an idfk. Is there any further sanction needed for the keeper? Several players seemed to think there would be but I was beyond unsure so went with just the idfk- which was scored from after I insisted it be retaken due to encroachment by the defenders before the kick was taken. Been involved in football for over 50 years and still haven’t seen it all!
The Ref Stop
I had an interesting moment in my game today; defender played the ball back to the keeper but he is not where he expected and the ball is going in. The keeper races back and stops it with his hands so it’s a back pass and an idfk. Is there any further sanction needed for the keeper? Several players seemed to think there would be but I was beyond unsure so went with just the idfk- which was scored from after I insisted it be retaken due to encroachment by the defenders before the kick was taken. Been involved in football for over 50 years and still haven’t seen it all!
No sanction for GK specific handling offences.
Thanks James. I got that bit right at least! Unfortunately I now realise that the free kick should have been taken from the 18 yard line, not from where the back pass occurred which was inside the penalty area. Live and learn.
Personally, and I know I wouldn't in the game itself but feel it should be, I think keepers should be penalised further for it.
I remember seeing it about 10 years ago in the FA Cup between Brentford and Chelsea.
Terry knocks it back, Donaldson runs past Terry who is going away from the ball and the keeper dives on it, stopping Donaldson from getting to it. I appreciate if he dealt with it properly he wouldn't have got to it, but as the keeper can not use his hands, you are saying it's handball and, in this case, DOGSO.

Again, I'm not going to sanction it, but feel that keepers should be treated exactly like outfield players in this instance - they are not allowed to use their hands, unless certain criteria are met such as not having been passed back from a team mate, the throw in, or releasing to the floor and picking it back up etc.
Thanks James. I got that bit right at least! Unfortunately I now realise that the free kick should have been taken from the 18 yard line, not from where the back pass occurred which was inside the penalty area. Live and learn.
you mean goal area line (6 yard box) if it took place within the goal area.
Thanks James. I got that bit right at least! Unfortunately I now realise that the free kick should have been taken from the 18 yard line, not from where the back pass occurred which was inside the penalty area. Live and learn.
The free kick is from where the offence happens and that is where the keeper handles it. If within the Goal area (i.e. 6 yard box) then it's taken on the goal area line adjacent paralell to the goal line, at the closest point to where the offence occurred.

Assume you have confused penalty area with goal area with your response here.
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The free kick is from where the offence happens and that is where the keeper handles it. If within the Goal area (i.e. 6 yard box) then it's taken on the goal area line adjacent to the goal line, at the closest point to where the offence occurred.

Assume you have confused penalty area with goal area with your response here.

Adjacent and parallel are not interchangeable. The adjacent goal area lines are the ones normal (at a right angle) to the goal line
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Terry knocks it back, Donaldson runs past Terry who is going away from the ball and the keeper dives on it, stopping Donaldson from getting to it. I appreciate if he dealt with it properly he wouldn't have got to it, but as the keeper can not use his hands, you are saying it's handball and, in this case, DOGSO.
no, it’s not a hand ball, it’s a GK offense, and the Laws expressly prohibit disciplinary sanctions for the GK for any of the GK specific offenses. (keep in mind, those offenses were written to prevent excessive use of time, not to create cheap own goals)

note that they did fix the stupid part of the rule a couple of years ago. It used to be that if a GK committed a second touch offense with his hand, he could not be discipline. They fixed the rule so the exemption applies only to an offense being one of the unique GK offenses.
Couldn't remember the word lol couldn't be bothered to look.
In the MLS a few years ago, a ref forgot the difference and placed the ball on the part of the goal area line perpendicular to the goal line. :wall: :eek: And then compounded it by letting the wall extend out perpendicularly from the goal post. :confused::oops:
In the MLS a few years ago, a ref forgot the difference and placed the ball on the part of the goal area line perpendicular to the goal line. :wall: :eek: And then compounded it by letting the wall extend out perpendicularly from the goal post. :confused::oops:
Wow, and this ref made it to the MLS?

I understand that it's an uncommon scenario... but for someone who makes it to the highest league in the country? Raises question on how the promotion works.

Having said that I have seen a few brain farts from even EPL refs.
Wow, and this ref made it to the MLS?

I understand that it's an uncommon scenario... but for someone who makes it to the highest league in the country? Raises question on how the promotion works.

Having said that I have seen a few brain farts from even EPL refs.
As I recall, it was a good ref who just had a total brain freeze. I get that; it happens. I was more mystified that with 2ARs and a 4O no one noticed in the moment so it could get fixed. (I’m not at all surprised that none of the players realized it was totally wrong.)
In the MLS a few years ago, a ref forgot the difference and placed the ball on the part of the goal area line perpendicular to the goal line. :wall: :eek: And then compounded it by letting the wall extend out perpendicularly from the goal post. :confused::oops:
Yes, well, I knew what I meant! 😏
I had an interesting moment in my game today; defender played the ball back to the keeper but he is not where he expected and the ball is going in. The keeper races back and stops it with his hands so it’s a back pass and an idfk. Is there any further sanction needed for the keeper? Several players seemed to think there would be but I was beyond unsure so went with just the idfk- which was scored from after I insisted it be retaken due to encroachment by the defenders before the kick was taken. Been involved in football for over 50 years and still haven’t seen it all!
This would only have been a corner anyway,even if into the net,would it not?