US lockout - what’s the story on the field?

santa sangria

RefChat Addict

Have any of our esteemed US members got a call up ?

@refladad ? What’s going on in the matches?
A&H International
I haven’t watched, but have followed the news a bit. I think it would be fair to say it’s about what one would expect from having a bunch of refs suddenly thrown up a couple of levels without appropriate experience. A couple of fitness issues have cause a ref and an AR to leave games. VAR has been shaky—though the VARs are the most experienced as they are from ref management, none of the Rs or ARs have used VAR before. OS overall seems to be shaky at best—totally unsurprising for folks jumping two or more levels in terms of pace and tactics. No real Armageddon moments so far, but a pretty clear decline in quality.
I wouldn't see it having a massive impact. If the SG1 referees were to go on strike in England it wouldn't be ideal, but games would still be played and chances are without too much controversy. Probably wouldn't be ideal having Jeremy Simpson refereeing Liverpool vs Man United, or Andy Davies refereeing Arsenal vs Man City, but they'd probably make a decent fist of it.
Is that going down one level or more? In the US, the next level of refs below those in MLS are in a sister union to the MLS refs, so none of them are doing games. Any many of those trying to get to that level aren’t interested in the animosity with the MLS refs that would come from doing it. So the drop is quite a bit down the talent pool. I saw there were VAR reversals in something like 11 of 13 games so far. While VAR has been clunky as the Rs have never dealt with it, those reversals have helped prevent it from being a complete fiasco.
Is that going down one level or more? In the US, the next level of refs below those in MLS are in a sister union to the MLS refs, so none of them are doing games. Any many of those trying to get to that level aren’t interested in the animosity with the MLS refs that would come from doing it. So the drop is quite a bit down the talent pool. I saw there were VAR reversals in something like 11 of 13 games so far. While VAR has been clunky as the Rs have never dealt with it, those reversals have helped prevent it from being a complete fiasco.
Just down 1 level.
A strike across PGMOl would be interesting.

Suppose they'd getin foreign refs rather than have National League - North/South refs doing the Premier League, not sure how far down the pyramid they'd need to go to cover League 2 and National League Prem on a Saturday.
A strike across PGMOl would be interesting.

Suppose they'd getin foreign refs rather than have National League - North/South refs doing the Premier League, not sure how far down the pyramid they'd need to go to cover League 2 and National League Prem on a Saturday.
There's 350 odd level 3s. I reckon some of us would be getting call ups to football league games 😆
A strike across PGMOl would be interesting.

Suppose they'd getin foreign refs rather than have National League - North/South refs doing the Premier League, not sure how far down the pyramid they'd need to go to cover League 2 and National League Prem on a Saturday.
Where are they getting the foreign referees from? There's not a load of them sat around doing nothing over a weekend, and leagues in other countries have to cover their own games.