Coventry - Man Utd

The Ginger Ref

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Level 7 Referee
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Well Well Well...

The PGMOL might have some questions to answer this week. Grealish's wasn't enough for a handball but Aaron Wan-Bissaka's was?

Either both are handballs or neither. All football fans want to see is consistency and PGMOL are falling incredibly short of that standard.

A&H International
They're both handballs. If you want more consistency then that means using VAR more. I no longer think "minimal interference" is giving "maximal benefit". People want the correct call made and the "high bar" of VAR is creating the appearance of "inconsistency" even though the VAR was "consistent" in not intervening in either call.
It's simple, one was a handball because it was given on the field, the other wasn't because the on field team didn't give it. Quite simply the VAR yesterday should of recommended an review but the conspiracy theory of they are scared to overrule Michael Oliver will only increase further.

There is no way VAR was going to overrule the handball today, I thought it was an handball personally, arm away from the body, gains an advantage as a result.
People want the correct call
Folk do not want this at any cost. Not in the UK they don't.
As a Referee, I can't endorse the game being refereed from afar. Reaching the 'correct call' every time essentially amounts the Referee's role being made redundant for KMS's. The Assistant's role in KMS's is already irrelevant. How can any non-elite Referee endorse that?
I don't know anyone who remains supportive of VAR. A few cling onto possible fixes, but most are just sick of it
Alas, it will never be scrapped because the Clubs call the shots and they just sh1t themselves that its absence will cost them money
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Folk do not want this at any cost. Not in the UK they don't.
As a Referee, I can't endorse the game being refereed from afar. Reaching the 'right' decision every time essentially amounts the Referee's role being made redundant for KMS's. The Assistant's role in KMS's is already irrelevant.
I don't know anyone who remains supportive of VAR

They want it when it goes against their team. So you either need to use VAR more or people (fans/managers/pundits) need to STFU. (Personally I'd support the later :D)
The system has determined him to be offside by more than 10cm. It goes to show how terrible the graphic produced is that a player can be offside by 10 to 15cm and you produce a graphic where the lines seem to be on top of each other and fans think there is controversy.
I can't vouch for the validity of the poll, but fans were canvassed in the UK about six months ago and the findings were damning against VAR
Naturally, fans will be extremely fickle with their views of VAR during a game depending upon whether their side is favoured, so any poll has to be conducted in the cold light of day, perhaps in the summer when prejudices for and against are a distant memory. But it makes no odds anyway, VAR is going nowhere. The only decisive consideration is the financial interests of the top clubs. That's the only thing that matters for everything in football
The system has determined him to be offside by more than 10cm. It goes to show how terrible the graphic produced is that a player can be offside by 10 to 15cm and you produce a graphic where the lines seem to be on top of each other and fans think there is controversy.
Fans trust a computer generated graphic (semi-automated offside). They do not trust a Referee drawing lines on a real image
Humans trust a semiconductor, but people are always cheats
I can't vouch for the validity of the poll, but fans were canvassed in the UK about six months ago and the findings were damning against VAR
Naturally, fans will be extremely fickle with their views of VAR during a game depending upon whether their side is favoured, so any poll has to be conducted in the cold light of day, perhaps in the summer when prejudices for and against are a distant memory. But it makes no odds anyway, VAR is going nowhere. The only decisive consideration is the financial interests of the top clubs. That's the only thing that matters for everything in football
And in similar polls pre-VAR, fans were damming about the quality of refereeing and some sort of video system was seen as the likely saviour. While I think they could easily have done a better job of designing and implementing the system, fixating on VAR as the problem is a massive red herring.
What I don't understand, is why the Coventry Fans celebrated what they thought was the winning goal
I called it immediately that it was very tight for offside. When will fans learn, it's not a goal until Kick Off?
Having not actually seen the Wan-Bissaka handball, but taking your word for it that it is virtually the same as the Grealish incident, I can still tell you what the difference is. As said above, the on field decision. Grealish's was not clear and obvious enough to overrule an on field decision of no penalty, Wan Bissakas was (presumably) not clearly and obviously not a handball enough to overrule the on field decision of penalty. They could be identical incidents and have different outcomes based on the on field decision. Whether you agree with that or you don't, that's the way it works.

With regards to the offside situation, I get bored to tears of people moaning about this. Whether a player is in an offside position or not at the time when a ball is played is NOT subjective, it is a matter or fact, black and white. Whether that be by a toenail or a yard, it's still offside. People wanted technology, and this is the sort of thing that the technology will do.
Changing the offside law won't change that either, as even if we change it to the daylight rule, people would bemoan 'there was only the slightest spec of daylight'.

I've seen barmy comments of 'but if it's that close, they shouldn't get involved' - well where are we going to draw the line then? and 'VAR has robbed coventry of one of the greatest moments in FA Cup history' - well unfortunately sentiment doesn't come in to it either.
What I don't understand, is why the Coventry Fans celebrated what they thought was the winning goal
I called it immediately that it was very tight for offside. When will fans learn, it's not a goal until Kick Off?
Because not celebrating due to the possibility of VAR is a choice. Some people prefer to preserve the initial celebration moment and then if it gets chalked off, oh well. Or you can take the approach of choosing not to celebrate anything in case VAR spots an infringement and never getting that initial moment of joy.

The former seems like a more fun approach to life for me.
Because not celebrating due to the possibility of VAR is a choice. Some people prefer to preserve the initial celebration moment and then if it gets chalked off, oh well. Or you can take the approach of choosing not to celebrate anything in case VAR spots an infringement and never getting that initial moment of joy.

The former seems like a more fun approach to life for me.
I'm a Referee... I'm watching as a Referee. I celebrate goals when there's no reason to be muted. That one yesterday though... the commentary team's first thought should've been, that might get ruled out. It was obvious it was very tight. Arguably 50/50

The journey home to Coventry must have been like being sent to Coventry. I can't imagine how low some of those fans must have felt
What I don't understand, is why the Coventry Fans celebrated what they thought was the winning goal
I called it immediately that it was very tight for offside. When will fans learn, it's not a goal until Kick Off?
Probably because it was their first experience of VAR. Not really much different to fans celebrating without realising an AR has his flag up in games without VAR, I always look across but that is because I am a referee, unless the offside is very obvious most fans just assume it is a valid goal. I was at the League 1 play off final last season and seemed to be the only Wednesday fan out of 40,000+ not celebrating as I'd seen the delayed flag.