The Ref Stop

Ajax RC

The Ref Stop
i'm fine with a red

likely to gain control of the ball at which point he's through on goal, no defender will catch him imo
I initially thought it hit the attacker's arm, which would raise the very interesting possibility of actual simultaneous offences! But on second viewing, I'm fairly confident that's the defenders arm so it's a bit moot given the foul is a much easier FK to give than discussing if that HB counts as deliberate.

Given the above, I'm going red on this as well. Attacker is past the last defender, second-last defender is 5 yards behind and it's not bouncing directly through to the GK, so he's got loads of space to gain control. All other considerations are definitely in his favour, I can't see any definite justification not to send off here?
Red card. If not for the handball, he has then impeded the progress of his opponent with contact. Harsh as he slipped, but the slip was as a result of forcing his way in front of the attacker to impede his progress. Ticks all four of the dogso considerations:distance, direction, control, number and proximity of defenders.
Can't be impeding the progress as the ball is within playing distance.

Harsh foul or handball but I won't argue with it. If it was a foul then i'd have to see the rest of his fouls given, if consistent then ok.
I have read elsewhere that the R said the call was handball. I think that leads to some interesting questions about the new handball law, especially if read literally. (His lunge toward the ball would be a play in the context of a defender for Law 11--is it also a play for eliminating a hand ball for the arm above the shoulder?) I do have trouble with DOGSO-H--I don't see an OGSO after the handling as the attacker has fallen. (If the all is a foul, DOGSO is pretty easy to my mind.)
I have read elsewhere that the R said the call was handball. I think that leads to some interesting questions about the new handball law, especially if read literally. (His lunge toward the ball would be a play in the context of a defender for Law 11--is it also a play for eliminating a hand ball for the arm above the shoulder?) I do have trouble with DOGSO-H--I don't see an OGSO after the handling as the attacker has fallen. (If the all is a foul, DOGSO is pretty easy to my mind.)
This was a little bit my thinking, which kind of guided my 1st post. If the defender doesn't force his way in front of the attacker, causing him to slip, he neither handballs it nor fouls it, butbthe attacker is in, so I think you have to say that without the foul intervention by then defender, be it handball or foul it is probably an OGSO (imo of course 😇)
I think it could be for either the foul or the handball, they both prevented an obvious goal scoring opportunity. I think he might have actually intentionally raised his arm up to play the ball knowing he was in trouble, but even if not with the current handball law he won't get away with it being out and up like that.