All-female team of officials to take charge of England World Cup qualifier

A&H International
They've done the fitness test, so crack on IMO.

I can't wait for more women to join the ranks tbh.
I have to imagine that reaching the top flight of an Eastern European league as a female referee is no easy task.
I’ve just found out that FIFA have rules in place that prevent men from refereeing international women’s games.
Surely this is discriminatory?
Imagine the outcry if the rules were the other way around e.g. women can’t referee men’s games, but men can referee women’s.
We live in modern times. Why can’t we just have everything mixed?
I’ve just found out that FIFA have rules in place that prevent men from refereeing international women’s games.
Surely this is discriminatory?
Imagine the outcry if the rules were the other way around e.g. women can’t referee men’s games, but men can referee women’s.
We live in modern times. Why can’t we just have everything mixed?
FIFA isn't just based in Switzerland for tax reasons...
I’ve just found out that FIFA have rules in place that prevent men from refereeing international women’s games.
Surely this is discriminatory?
Imagine the outcry if the rules were the other way around e.g. women can’t referee men’s games, but men can referee women’s.
We live in modern times. Why can’t we just have everything mixed?
This isn't really the place for a deep dive into feminist theory, but the short answer is that it's impossible to get away from a discriminatory status quo by simply going "Everyone is equal so we're all fine now". Women's participation in football is so limited compared to that of men's football, that just opening it to everyone would mean it just remains less supported and less involved. This applies to any case where discrimination has existed historically - how many black managers have we had since the formation of the premier league, for example? Just letting things be "open to all" doesn't work if people feel unwelcome in that environment.

In order to balance historic discrimination against women in football, it's necessary to introduce a period of positive discrimination to encourage more women into football. Only when the result of that is a more representative balance of participation, can your proposed "everything mixed" idea actually mean fully randomised allocations does give a fair outcome.
I’ve just found out that FIFA have rules in place that prevent men from refereeing international women’s games.
Surely this is discriminatory?
Imagine the outcry if the rules were the other way around e.g. women can’t referee men’s games, but men can referee women’s.
We live in modern times. Why can’t we just have everything mixed?
I get your point. In my view positive discrimination is better than negative discrimination but no discrimination is the clear winner
Sian Massey is the best AR in the EPL. I don't care about gender or orientation. But the rule you quote contradicts its purpose
I won't lose any sleep over it zzz
If they are good enough, then why not!

Personally think Sian Massey has proved herself to be arguably one of the Premier League's best ever ARs.
Not sure if the men are making it hard for her, but she doesn't seem to have full control of this game in my opinion.
Too many fouls and incidents and not dealt with properly.
How Rebes is still on the pitch after that challenge on Coady (I think it was) whilst already on a yellow.
I was thinking about her style, which I'm finding very fussy, loads of whistling, pretty pedantic over ball placement etc

Just wondering if she's the same in her normal games and if she's trying to force her authority on them today? I reckon she's done OK, missed red aside, and I'd like to see her given another go (otherwise what's the point)
I was thinking about her style, which I'm finding very fussy, loads of whistling, pretty pedantic over ball placement etc

Just wondering if she's the same in her normal games and if she's trying to force her authority on them today? I reckon she's done OK, missed red aside, and I'd like to see her given another go (otherwise what's the point)
Sancho's yellow was ridiculous.

Then about 20 seconds later he got floored and she took no notice of it?!
Coadys caution...
Didnt think it were a foul. He put the ball out for a throw and the two players connect. Their bench goes mental and the assistant flags and the middle gives a card. Yet a word for that missed red earlier... no consistency.
I was thinking about her style, which I'm finding very fussy, loads of whistling, pretty pedantic over ball placement etc

Just wondering if she's the same in her normal games and if she's trying to force her authority on them today? I reckon she's done OK, missed red aside, and I'd like to see her given another go (otherwise what's the point)
Yeah thought she was quite fussy, almost like she was trying too hard.

Came across quite aggressive towards the Andorra keeper before the penalty was taken.

Interesting to see, it looked like the 4th official sent an Andorra sub back to the dugout to deal with a 'sock related issue' before allowing him to come on.
Thought the Ref was quite good
She was typically handicapped by FIFA instructions to unnecessarily warn players at set-pieces, frantically side-step when a slow jog would suffice and to keep it 11v11 as you do. She did OK despite that nonsense
I wouldn't want the AR's accuracy figures for offsides though. The infuriating 'late flag' thing which only exists to add or detract from the AR's score