Junior/Youth Another example of why I don't trust CAR's....

I have to say as a general thought I'm quite gratetful to CAR's.

Don't forget very rarely did they turn up with the intention of doing the line, a flag was usually thrust in their hand against their will.

For that same reason I think it's fair to expect being an AR won't be their main focus, it will be whichever player or players they went to support etc. and I don't think that's unreasonable.

Of course that doesn't mean you don't have expectations, just make sure those expectations are actually realistic.

I only let CAR's do in/out and trust their decision only if I absolutely have no idea and they have a good view and make a decision with little or no hesitation.

Other than that I only use them to tell me if ball is over the line.
A&H International
I much preferred CARS doing offsides. An out of position CAR can make a much better decision than me from the penalty area after a ball is hoofed up.
I much preferred CARS doing offsides. An out of position CAR can make a much better decision than me from the penalty area after a ball is hoofed up.

Absolutely. For a ref to make well informed offside decisions I think you need to be ridiculously ahead of play and leave yourself in horrible positions for making other calls. I'll take a CAR's odd questionable offside to allow myself to police the rest of the game effectively.
You are right offside decisions are hard to call which is why it amazes me that some refs think they can call them all and not let CAR's help with them. The only way you can possibly call offsides (unless they are miles off) is by being in line with the second last defender, anywhere else on the FOP and you are guessing !

I agree, but my positioning will always be better than a CAR that is unless of course I am stood on the half way line, smoking a fag, talking to a sub facing the wrong direction. Like I said some leagues and areas may have very good CAR's so I am not tarring them all with the same brush its just in our leagues they will make no attempt to keep up with play, ins and outs only please. I cant imagine the look I would get if I gave them any other duty??
I agree, but my positioning will always be better than a CAR that is unless of course I am stood on the half way line, smoking a fag, talking to a sub facing the wrong direction.
By the sounds of some of the comments here... that might still be a better position than most CARs...
I agree, but my positioning will always be better than a CAR that is unless of course I am stood on the half way line, smoking a fag, talking to a sub facing the wrong direction. Like I said some leagues and areas may have very good CAR's so I am not tarring them all with the same brush its just in our leagues they will make no attempt to keep up with play, ins and outs only please. I cant imagine the look I would get if I gave them any other duty??

Exactly, I'm not saying there're all bad, one or two I've give the flag to keep up with play and give very honest and correct throw-ins. But 1/30 do this, I would say
In all honesty though the leagues I ref in, it's purely ins and outs and they don't expect any more responsibility.
9 times out of 10 the manager will give me the flag and tell me to approach a huddled group of men, one of whom will do it after peer pressure from the others. These guys are honest and relatively useful.

1 time out of 10 the manager will point me to either an assistant coach or a parent warming up/training the goalkeeper. It is then that I am wary as these guys tend to be overly competitive which tends to be when any cheating occurs.

For the most part they are useful for me at least, I can't imagine having to call offsides myself. It's when they take it upon themselves to call fouls that I find them annoying.
Yeah we all, in our barbaric state of mind, thought the monkey was a French spy so we hung it... I wouldn't even say it was an insult, the Hartlepool united mascot is a monkey called H'angus !
You'll never go anywhere in the world without meeting someone from Hartlepool or who knows of Hartlepool mainly because of that story ;-)
Yeah we all, in our barbaric state of mind, thought the monkey was a French spy so we hung it... I wouldn't even say it was an insult, the Hartlepool united mascot is a monkey called H'angus !
You'll never go anywhere in the world without meeting someone from Hartlepool or who knows of Hartlepool mainly because of that story ;-)
Is it because of the that story or the fact that the town elected said mascot as Mayor?
I'm surprised in many of the comments I've seen that you allow the CARs to do offside. I know this is probably league rules so its not your faults but I just can't believe they would allow this ? Of course you're going to get fair people who will be honest. But offsides are hard to call at the best of times so why leave it upto a fat man on the sidelines with a roll up in his mouth.
in scotland we are not allowed to let cars give offside and i am very glad about that allowing a coach. sub,or supporters to give offside is plain barmy
Had two slightly annoying CAR's today. One who would take an age to flag for anything. By age I mean probably about 5 seconds for each throw or offside. Which often meant the play had gone on quite a fair amount before I could blow my whistle. Much to annoyance to one team.

The other CAR had this really over emphatic way of flagging (describing it is hard!). But if he had the flag in his right hand and wanted to flag to the right he would do this really over the top motion where he'd wave the flag over his head to the left, then whip it to the right. Meaning it was often at first glance what way he was flagging. Again made good decisions, once I got used to his slightly theatrical style!
One of the CAR's today flagged way too early. As in the moment a pass was made he'd flag if a player was offside.

What do people do when CAR's switch at half time without telling you? I have this happen quite a lot.
@CallumS personally I keep an eye on this just so I can make sure I get them briefed. First question after their name and handshake will be "have you be roped in to do both halves?" That way you can find out then if they plan on changing and if so try and brief both guys together. Otherwise if they switch at half time I'll position myself for the kick off closer to the side where everyone is. So if the new car is my side I can trot over and introduce myself, give him my thanks for helping and his instructions. Otherwise if the new CAR is going to the other side of the pitch I'll catch site of him running over to his side and I'll just run after him to again introduce myself and give him instructions. I al aye make a real effort to not miss a change as second halves lineo will start flagging for everything I don't want and makes my life harder.