The Ref Stop

Club Marks

Be very careful doing this.

The FA guidance is you aren't allowed to view footage post match. Or at least that is what I have been told.

Discuss/clarify by all means but without footage.
Apologies should clarify I mean - email me the footage so that I can review the decision, my positioning on it etc.. I don't review with them or offer thoughts back to them on it.
The Ref Stop
The FA guidance is you aren't allowed to view footage post match
Not sure where this has come from. What we do in the privacy of our own bedroom is our business, is it not!?
Besides, get promoted again and you'll have it all on MOAS.......
Not sure where this has come from. What we do in the privacy of our own bedroom is our business, is it not!?
Besides, get promoted again and you'll have it all on MOAS.......
Sorry, not clear enough.
View the footage with the clubs.
You're perfectly free to check out your highlights, request the footage, but post match we shouldnt be huddling around a computer screen validating or apologising for our decisions.

@MattTheRef no worries. It read like you were doing it post match with clubs and apologising if you were wrong.
This thread made me curious so I emailed my old league sec and asked for last seasons stats:

Number of games officiated: 8

Total marks available: 1600

Total marks awarded: 1337

Your average mark: 83.0

League average mark: 84.0

I've had some absolute stinkers (first season and you can find some in the Match Incidents!) and quite surprised to do so well!
I'm in the South West pool. Top third for observations, bottom third for club marks. Had one game where both teams marked me in the low/mid 60s which I reffed very well imo (challenging local derby). The anger was all focused on one tackle where one team was incensed that even a foul had been awarded and the other that a red card wasn't awarded (it looked a clear yellow to me).

Anyway it's just numbers, I couldn't care less. I got a 90 in the first game of the season from the home team and I was rusty as!
There are far better ways to protect / improve your clubs marks than ducking decisions or sucking up to managers. Don't respond to the home team's confirmation and that's five marks gone before a ball is kicked. Mess up your warm up timings and keep the club secretaries waiting at 2:15, kiss goodbye to another couple from each team. Tell a manager he can speak to you after 30 minutes and then leave the ground before then, any number lost. Not controlling your gobby AR in the boardroom after the game, or even worse leave him in there on his own, any number lost (seen that happen). You can't control much of what happens on the pitch, but all of these things are controllable.

Also, in my experience, around 80% of low mark justifications related to cards are for yellow and red cards that weren't given, as opposed to those that were given.
There are far better ways to protect / improve your clubs marks than ducking decisions or sucking up to managers. Don't respond to the home team's confirmation and that's five marks gone before a ball is kicked. Mess up your warm up timings and keep the club secretaries waiting at 2:15, kiss goodbye to another couple from each team. Tell a manager he can speak to you after 30 minutes and then leave the ground before then, any number lost. Not controlling your gobby AR in the boardroom after the game, or even worse leave him in there on his own, any number lost (seen that happen). You can't control much of what happens on the pitch, but all of these things are controllable.

Also, in my experience, around 80% of low mark justifications related to cards are for yellow and red cards that weren't given, as opposed to those that were given.
Agree on all points, but I am sticking to the 'last weeks ref' comparison. I've seen too many people slag off the traditional 'last weeks ref' for not giving cards etc and then do this.

Interesting point on gobby ARs in board rooms. I've witnessed that on more than one occasion. I've had 'private' conversations in changing rooms and then had an AR go to the bar on their own whilst we (2 of us) are showering. They could be repeating anything. The red flag is when the ARs are slagging off other refs from previous games as soon as you meet them....
Interesting point on gobby ARs in board rooms. I've witnessed that on more than one occasion. I've had 'private' conversations in changing rooms and then had an AR go to the bar on their own whilst we (2 of us) are showering. They could be repeating anything. The red flag is when the ARs are slagging off other refs from previous games as soon as you meet them....
Absolutely this, if they are slagging off previous refs there's a more than reasonable chance that they will do the same with you.

The only way to be safe is you all go in the boardroom together and leave together. If for any reason you as the referee can't make it then say that none of you will be going in, having of course told the home club in advance.
Absolutely this, if they are slagging off previous refs there's a more than reasonable chance that they will do the same with you.

The only way to be safe is you all go in the boardroom together and leave together. If for any reason you as the referee can't make it then say that none of you will be going in, having of course told the home club in advance.

I wouldn't stop the others going in. They aren't my kids! I do get what you're saying though and if I know I'm not going in (never happened yet) then I'm going to be very careful with what I say to them especially if I don't know them.
I wouldn't stop the others going in. They aren't my kids! I do get what you're saying though and if I know I'm not going in (never happened yet) then I'm going to be very careful with what I say to them especially if I don't know them.
Doesn't matter what you say to the ARs, if they tell a club you've got one or more big decisions wrong you can kiss goodbye to your marks. As I said, I've seen it happen on several occasions.

It is probably more of an issue at L4 as you are more likely to have maverick ARs. At L3 your ARs, in my experience, are less likely to go off piste, and probably won't go into the boardroom if you aren't anyway.
Doesn't matter what you say to the ARs, if they tell a club you've got one or more big decisions wrong you can kiss goodbye to your marks. As I said, I've seen it happen on several occasions.

It is probably more of an issue at L4 as you are more likely to have maverick ARs. At L3 your ARs, in my experience, are less likely to go off piste, and probably won't go into the boardroom if you aren't anyway.

True. If someone is a maverick we've usually sussed it pretty early on.

Most ARs I've had have been good. Some way beyond expected level and some shirt of it, but most have the nous to not say anything stupid during the event. Not all though that's for sure. Like I always say, less is more.