Conflicting advice on signalling advantage


Well-Known Member
Now had 2 assessments with different advice on signalling advantage.

Assessment one - 'good use of advantage, but don't signal too quickly. Wait a second or two to ensure it is really there allowing yourself to bring it back for the free kick if necessary without confusing anyone'

Assessment two - 'good use of advantage but make sure you signal it clearly straightaway. That way if advantage doesn't develop and you have to bring it back for the free kick no-one thinks you might have missed it and made a late call'

My approach to date had been to follow the advice of the former and say clearly something like 'no advantage, we'll take the free kick' if I have to bring it back to explain what I've done. However this was called out as not the right way of doing it in the second assessment.

Is this personal preference of different assessors or is there a clearly accepted 'correct way' ? I have no problem doing it either way, but keen not to have it in the development points again next time !
A&H International
I tend to point at the foul and say something like"I have seen the foul" before taking the necessary and allowed time to decide whether there is an advantage or not and continuing accordingly.
@Quarryref - At your level (ie Supply and below), the correct advice is to call advantage promptly and then pull play back if it doesn't accrue. The timing should be the same as you would have blown the whistle for the offence. The reasoning is that signalling advantage ensure the players know you have seen the offence, which minimises "afters", and the players can concentration on taking play forward knowing the free-kick is given is they fail.

At higher levels (Contrib and above), the advice is delay the advantage call until is has accrued. At this level, the players are more aware and would not think of "afters", and they have the skill to develop the play.

Therefore there are two ways of signalling advantage. The latter call at the lower levels is more old-fashioned and potentially "out of date". If an assessors questions this again, give an explanation why you did what you did. It is all about match control.
Thanks Lincs22. That makes sense and a good one to know - one of those cases where you can referee to the LOTG, use an approach that works perfectly well in the match, do what the top refs do in the Premier League and still be the wrong side of the assessor !