santa sangria

RefChat Addict

Just chanced upon this. Brilliant stuff.

Very interesting decisions for the DOGSO RC and the penalty... seemingly unaffected by VAR

And you might want to pause at 1:57 to see the VAR for the offside, which is as tight as a gnat's whotsit!

Thoughts on the DOGSO RC and penalty?
A&H International
What was the first RC for?

The second one is very harsh because the contact is accidental but assuming it wasn't engineered by the striker is probably correct in law.

I don't think it's offside. The blue line they've superimposed goes through the middle of the defender's foot and that is enough to get the striker's knee and shoulder onside. When it's that close the flag should stay down.
Make me wonder when if ever a VAR going to consider an attacker level for office given there is a specific clause for it in the law.

Would have been a brilliant game to watch live as a fan.
Second one red card 101 times out of 100
Looks like the attacker straight arms the defender behind him and then they both fall down... that's what I see on the replay...
Agreed on the other two... level with the second last defender (unless you use a telescope)
I can see why he's given the first RC, but think that's very harsh. By my count, there are 5 defenders and zero attackers in the box when the GK handles it. There's no way that's an obvious goalscoring opportunity - the ref's only looked at the offence and failed to take account of what's going in the area the ball would have otherwise reached. YC for the intent is fine, but no need for red.

Penalty is a stupid tackle to attempt, but looks a dive on first glance, certainly no contact that could have hurt as much as his grabbing of his shin would imply!
I can't agree with either of the RC's.

First - obvious goal scoring opportunity from that position on the FOP - no chance.
Second - I can't see the attacker getting to the ball before the goal keeper, so again oblivious?

Both should have been YC's.

Penalty - great decision
Offside - obvious error? No, should have been allowed.

It appears that obvious does not translate in to Italian!
Can't see the first being a red card.

Debatable second red.

Penalty, can't really tell from that angle.

Offside, good spot on the line going through his foot.

Overall; Bad day at the office?