Goal scored after illegal substitution


RefChat Addict
After a goal is scored and before games is restarted, my AR1 tells me he saw at previous stoppage the team which scored made a substitution. Everything was correct in the substitution procedure apart from the fact that I did not give permission (neither did the AR).

Do i I allow the goal?
A&H International
Disallow for extra player on the field of play. No goal. Laws say restart should be GK, CK or dropped ball... I am thinking goal kick restart as the ball crossed the goal line last...
And a yellow card for both players. One for leaving, one for entering w/o permission.

The restart is ambiguous to say the least in the LOTG. As @santa sangria says its GK CK or DB in LOTG but does not define the circumstances at which you apply each restart. Remember a Goal has been scored so the ball will always have crossed the goal line last. Would you apply similar principles as to other laws i.e. goal, GK, own goal, CK, outside agent, dropped ball. That seems most logical.

The get out of jail card is if the extra person scored the goal..you can restart with a DFK then.

Lets face it. If AR1 saw it happen why he's waited until a goal has been scored I dont know. I'd be pretty annoyed at him for allowing me to restart the game before alerting me to the issue. Match control straight down the swanny with this one I think.
Indirect free kick from where the player last touched it, and a booking for each player for their
troubles. You will also get the added bonus of pissed off players in your ear for the remainder of the match.

Out of interest, how much time had elapsed between the substitution and the 'goal'. And, could you reasonably have expected your AR to have notified you earlier- I say this as he may have only noticed it when the goal was scored- I have assumed he was a neutral assistant. If he wasn't , the blame lies very much with you as the ref
Indirect free kick from where the player last touched it, and a booking for each player for their
troubles. You will also get the added bonus of pissed off players in your ear for the remainder of the match.
There can be no IDFK restart here, as per law 3, the LOTG does not allow it. Its either DFK or penalty if the extra person interferes with play. Other wise the LOTG specifically states GK, CK OR DB.
I think you should treat this as an extra person on field of play because there are no sanctions listed in LOTG for the substitution procedure not being followed correctly only what to do about extra persons, of which named subs are specifically covered. Sub law 7 covers what to do in the event of substitute (extra player) entering without permission and interfering (DFK/PK) and sub law 9 if a goal is scored (GK, CK, or DB).

If a substitute enters w/o permission play is only stopped if he interferes or a goal is scored with the extra person on FOP. And in that case the restarts are direct or as otherwise described if a goal is scored. No IDFKs.

Happy to be corrected but that is how I read law 3.
I think you should treat this as an extra person on field of play because there are no sanctions listed in LOTG for the substitution procedure not being followed correctly only what to do about extra persons, of which named subs are specifically covered. Sub law 7 covers what to do in the event of substitute (extra player) entering without permission and interfering (DFK/PK) and sub law 9 if a goal is scored (GK, CK, or DB).

If a substitute enters w/o permission play is only stopped if he interferes or a goal is scored with the extra person on FOP. And in that case the restarts are direct or as otherwise described if a goal is scored. No IDFKs.

Happy to be corrected but that is how I read law 3.
I think this is reasonable - as far as you the referee are concerned, the "subbed-off" player is still an active player, making the "subbed-on" player an extra.
I was looking at section 5 in Law3- sanctions and ingringements. To me this suggests cautions all round and idfk.

Might all be academic with some of the changes announced.
Everything was correct in the substitution procedure apart from the fact that I did not give permission (neither did the AR).

Out of interest, what was correct in the substitution procedure?
Thanks for your contribution all.

Lets face it. If AR1 saw it happen why he's waited until a goal has been scored I dont know. I'd be pretty annoyed at him for allowing me to restart the game before alerting me to the issue. Match control straight down the swanny with this one I think.
This was not the AR's fault. The AR tried to get the referee attention but no luck. Beside the point of OP really.

Out of interest, how much time had elapsed between the substitution and the 'goal'. And, could you reasonably have expected your AR to have notified you earlier- I say this as he may have only noticed it when the goal was scored- I have assumed he was a neutral assistant. If he wasn't , the blame lies very much with you as the ref
About 30 seconds. He tried. Neutral AR. Yes most of the blame lies with me.

Out of interest, what was correct in the substitution procedure?
All parts except for those requiring referee's permission. That is

The names of the substitute was given to the referee before the start of the match.
• the player being replaced took no further part in the match
The substitute entered:
• during a stoppage in play
• at the halfway line
• after the player being replaced had left
Should this be applied under “Extra Person”? Most likely but not very clear in LOTG. A new angle to this is to look at similar principals in LOTG where a replacement has been made without the permission of the referee. If the starting eleven indicated on the teamsheet don’t start the game the referee allows the game to continue and reports it (no “extra person” applies here). If the goalkeeper changes places with a player, the referee allows play to continue and cautions at a later time. While they are all different circumstances, there are enough similarities for one to apply the same principle.
I don't think you should be falling on your sword here, the AR needs to shoulder some criticism. From how it's been described it sounds like he couldn't get your attention (happens sometimes , especially if you are dealing with a caution or injury) so he decided to allow it anyway or did it happen without his input either ?
I don't think you should be falling on your sword here, the AR needs to shoulder some criticism. From how it's been described it sounds like he couldn't get your attention (happens sometimes , especially if you are dealing with a caution or injury) so he decided to allow it anyway or did it happen without his input either ?
Cheers. Yes AR1 should take some blame, so does AR2 for not showing awareness. But the bucks stops with the ref. As mentioned before, my intention for the OP was what to do after it happened and not why/how it happened.
The extra player route doesn't feel right to me, but cautioning both does . The difference between the two scenarios is whether the free kick is direct or not- not such a big deal in a defensive situation but a ballsy decision in the penalty area!

The upshot is to chalk off the goal if you haven't restarted ( if you have you have to allow it)
apologies if this is a stooopid question, but, what then happens to the 2 offending players after the cautions? do they resume the game as they were, or does the illegal substitute have to leave the FOP to go through the proper substitution process ?
No, you let them continue. Trying to get them to reverse and do it properly could only lead to control issues, especially if one of them is injured.
The situation here is clear. The substitute entered without permission which is a caution and the player left without permission so that is also a caution. It is not an extra player situation.
As the scoring team has infringed the laws of the game the goal is ruled out and as play has already been stopped the restart is a goal kick. The reason for this is that the recommended restart for the extra player offence is a goal kick, corner kick or dropped ball so it is much akin to that. If the referee managed to deal with the situation by seeing interference by the substitute before the goal the restart is a DFK.
The substitution is correctly completed before the restart provided the exiting player was not already on a caution.
Btw the laws will be amended to a DFK as per the recent decisions by IFAB which come into effect later in the year. Clearly IFAB got that one wrong and have tidied it up for next season.