The Ref Stop

Junior/Youth last minute 13-0 dogso

dissent (do you sin bin for every bit of dissent that comes your way or do you manage using the Step process etc?). After all, the step process is simply managing a situation. The law for dissent by word or action required a sin bin at steps 5 and below.....
At the risk of being pedantic, yes I do try to sin bin / YC for every piece of dissent. In the same way a tackle that you decide is Reckless is a mandatory yellow card, so is disagreement that reaches the level of dissent. However, there is plenty of disagreement with decisions that doesn't reach the / your threshold ... and this can and should be managed exactly as you describe. I just find life is simpler if you make a clear distinction between the two and only use the word dissent to describe words and actions that constitute a sanctionable offence.
The Ref Stop
If ticks the DDCC criteria, then has to be DOGSO. Not your place to decide if it is fair or not. Laws are the laws.

D - Distance from goal (just outside box - tick)
D - Direction of travel (towards goal - tick)
C - in control of ball (tick)
C - covering defender (nobody based on your desc - tick).

I say to myself DOGSO if it looks like if a foul happens it’s a red - because often when you blow and look around, in that split instant the other defenders catch up.

Think you got it bang on the money!

I had one on Friday with an attacker 2 yards out, back to goal, keeper dived into the back of his legs as he received the ball. General direction of play might not have been 100% but OGSO.

Be a bit careful with the wording. Likelihood of control, general direction of play, location and number of defenders… all phrased for a reason!

I had one on Friday with an attacker 2 yards out, back to goal, keeper dived into the back of his legs as he received the ball. General direction of play might not have been 100% but OGSO.

Be a bit careful with the wording. Likelihood of control, general direction of play, location and number of defenders… all phrased for a reason!
Agree - inside the box?