Liv AVL offside VAR action

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
So, stoppage time at the end of the half.

The VAR check is first to see if the defender deliberately played the ball (smart move because if he did no need to check the offside).

The clip is inconclusive. We see it maybe 12 times. There’s no way to tell if the defender touched the ball or not. He tried to but it’s inconclusive.

So on to the offside. The point of contact of the pass hidden by a player. I presume the VAR has another angle for the point of contact but we don’t know. It’s inconclusive. The defender’s knee is maybe the furthest point. It’s in the air so there are a couple of lines. There is a line kinda through the knee. It doesn’t look accurate. The attacker’s shoulder is the furthest point so we get a few more lines with one bisecting the shoulder. It doesn’t look accurate.

The lines on the field are then millimetres apart. After maybe 4 minutes. It’s offside.

Way to save me 29,99 a month!
Slow clap.
A&H International
It's farcical at this point, I have no idea how anybody can claim that was offside. The current system seems to be open to all sorts of human error considering the fact that the lines are manually drawn onto the players. Not to mention which frame is used as it doesn't seem accurate enough to precisely pinpoint the moment the ball leaves the player's foot in the buildup. The system just doesn't seem accurate or precise enough to warrant the overturning of extremely tight offside decisions.

At this point, it's ruining the game. Would rather go back to the odd refereeing clanger than having to put up with this monstrosity any longer.
(68 mins a new low for TAA)

Good game from the ref Atwell to be fair. Good YC for Milner who took the ball but was reckless. Is it easier without the fans?
Not to mention which frame is used as it doesn't seem accurate enough to precisely pinpoint the moment the ball leaves the player's foot in the buildup.
Offside is judged at first contact not the point it leaves the foot.
The big problem is that they put almost no care or time into placing the line on the defender. And then once that line's been just slapped on his foot (clearly ignoring the knee and the shoulder that are further back), you then have a line which exists as the point of contact is chosen and microscopically adjusted on the attacker. You have to separate those two steps and then overlay the images for there to be any credibility restored
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Good call in my opinion. Looked offside at first glance. Was confirmed by VAR.

The whole did Cash touch the ball thing was a bit of a joke though. Attacker still gained the advantage.
No nothing changed in that regards. Gaining and advantage is still defined as it was and deliberate play of the ball still resets offside.
I would love to see some stats of these tight (lines touching) offside calls. I can recall many of them that ended being called just offside but none that onside. And the few I have seen the VAR line drawing process, it looks as though they are instructed if it is very tight, move the line untill you get an offside (like tonight). I don't think this process will last. If not for fan revolt, then for clubs seeing it for what it is.
No nothing changed in that regards. Gaining and advantage is still defined as it was and deliberate play of the ball still resets offside.
I thought it all changed after the city game where mings touched it but the city player was about 10 metres offside went onto score? Or is that coming into place next season?
I thought it all changed after the city game where mings touched it but the city player was about 10 metres offside went onto score? Or is that coming into place next season?
There was no change, only a clarification that where a player immediately challenges an opponent after a deliberate play he is still gaining an advantage.
I haven't seen this one yet so can't comment if it fits into that bracket but a deliberate play still resets offside.
There was no change, only a clarification that where a player immediately challenges an opponent after a deliberate play he is still gaining an advantage.
I haven't seen this one yet so can't comment if it fits into that bracket but a deliberate play still resets offside.
No, this was just about did he touch it or not... was it a deliberate play. There was no challenge for the ball. Should be simpler but it was impossible to tell if there was a touch or not.
No, this was just about did he touch it or not... was it a deliberate play. There was no challenge for the ball. Should be simpler but it was impossible to tell if there was a touch or not.
In that case then the Mings V man City clarification is redundant here!
In that case then the Mings V man City clarification is redundant here!

Absolutely. Big cross field ball that Matty Cash tried to cut out but missed. Had he touched it then offside would have been reset as it was an attempt to play the ball, but as he didn't Jota was offside.
I presume the VAR has another angle for the point of contact but we don’t know. It’s inconclusive.
I presume they have equipment that is at least as good as MLS in the US. In MLS, the VAR can simultaneously look at 4 fully synchronized feeds to find the first frame with foot contact.