The Ref Stop

None use of cards

I wouldn't let things slide just because of the score, you're opening yourself up to some difficult scenarios. At that age group, we're advised to take a player who we would give a RC to to their coach and advise they sub the player off. This is again a grey area, with what age group would we turn that into a RC?

As to the yellow, a stern word will likely make many players 'see the light' if it means they get away with no card.
13/14? Deliberate handball dogoso? That's just red.......
The Ref Stop
If i wanted to progress (which i dont) obviously id need to do things by the book.

You mention making things more difficult for everyone but in the leagues im covering ive quickly found that the common sense comes into it more than the LOTG with the local refs.
I think you get the idea from all the posts here but I'd give you one more reason.

Let's say this teams get three game in a row a referee who doesn't want to progress and lets things slide. Would be the usual thing in your league. And then comes a referee being assessed to see if he can move up. How are the the players and coaches going to treat him when they see a referee who is doing things completely differently to what they are used to? It would in all likelihood ruin his chances of progress on this occasion.

Consistency is key to refereeing and the only thing common to all of us is the lotg. Common sense varies with different ppl . If the lotg gives you a way of dealing with it then use it, for everything else use common sense.
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I would also add on behalf of observers across the world, we get the blame more than the referee does. The number of times I've had the "he's only given that because you're here you f***ing ****", but on each occasion the referee has been correct. Last week's referee is undoubtedly a problem, and when promotion candidates go there for the next game they get killed.
Some good advice, i will tighten up on the cards, what i will say is i certainly wouldn't let any VC red cards slide, the ones i let go where delaying restart which has been very common in my first few games and, the dogso handball.

Thanks for the advice.
Kids need to be shown cards and you need to show cards for your own sake. On Sunday I was doing an U18 game and the reds were beginning to get lippy. I spoke to the captain and said next one who is questioning my decision I will take action. 2 mins later it happens again. YC out. Guess what they shut up. Cards are there for your match control and I am suggesting throwing them out like confetti but as you get more experienced you know when you need to use them.
I still think a huge difference between U13-14 games and U18 games.

The refs in the league ive started generally go by the common sense law, i think only ones i can remember getting a red card was for VC or SFP, with being new to the league i suppose i didn't want to be the exception to the rule/laws if you like.
I still think a huge difference between U13-14 games and U18 games.

The refs in the league ive started generally go by the common sense law, i think only ones i can remember getting a red card was for VC or SFP, with being new to the league i suppose i didn't want to be the exception to the rule/laws if you like.

Which law is that? What page of the book?
Dissent or DOGSO foul tackles kicking the ball away are offences which need to be dealt with at youth level. At mini soccer 7 a side and under it is about development and a lower tolerance is needed but even at that age there are certain offences I would red card for. From 9 aside upwards there need to be games refffed by rules. I don't care if a coach player spectator thinks I shouldn't use cards, if I get marked down I am not bothered. I use my cards as a form of match control. When I first qualified I was wary of using them but with more experience I know I need to use them. Boys, girls mens and womens football I ref to the same standards(or try to) but the other refs who do youth in your league are not helping new refs or even their selves. Sorry
Dissent or DOGSO foul tackles kicking the ball away are offences which need to be dealt with at youth level. At mini soccer 7 a side and under it is about development and a lower tolerance is needed but even at that age there are certain offences I would red card for. From 9 aside upwards there need to be games refffed by rules. I don't care if a coach player spectator thinks I shouldn't use cards, if I get marked down I am not bothered. I use my cards as a form of match control. When I first qualified I was wary of using them but with more experience I know I need to use them. Boys, girls mens and womens football I ref to the same standards(or try to) but the other refs who do youth in your league are not helping new refs or even their selves. Sorry
Don't apologise, Tino.
I still think a huge difference between U13-14 games and U18 games.

The refs in the league ive started generally go by the common sense law, i think only ones i can remember getting a red card was for VC or SFP, with being new to the league i suppose i didn't want to be the exception to the rule/laws if you like.
Which law is that? What page of the book?
Read it again.

As I said....what Law is the ‘common sense’ one? 1-17?
I think you know what he is getting at.
Whilst, yes, at times common sense can prevail this shouldn't be at the expense of applications of law 1-17.
Ironically, you use this "common sense" law as some sort of justification for not using cards, but imo, it serves as the complete opposite.
Consider this, the u11-u13s you referee now may 1 day play football at u15-open age. If you dont apply the laws properly now these lads/young ladies wont learn and all you do is delay their education and make things extra hard for the refs that do want to do it properly.
It's worth pointing out that a decent ref won't be giving many cards to players 13 and below. Regarding U14 thru U16, most of the cards given will be in the top league to players with academy ambitions. At younger ages there is a sliding window in terms of tolerating minor infringements (i've been seen to demonstrate a throw in, rather than penalise foul throws), but this doesn't extend to disciplinary offences. Cards to age ratio reflects disciplinary offence to age ratio, but YC/RC decisions can't be discretionary based on age
@spuddy1878 , in 6 months to a year, you'll be singing from the same hymn sheet
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It's worth pointing out that a decent ref won't be giving many cards to players 13 and below. Regarding U14 thru U16, most of the cards given will be in the top league to players with academy ambitions. At younger ages there is a sliding window in terms of tolerating minor infringements (i've been seen to demonstrate a throw in, rather than penalise foul throws), but this doesn't extend to disciplinary offences. Cards to age ratio reflects disciplinary offence to age ratio, but YC/RC decisions can't be discretionary based on age
@s[B]puddy1878 , in 6 months to a year, you'll be singing from the same hymn sheet

I know that, i just feel at the moment but new ref in new league its the majority of refs who let a lot of things slide (lesser offences not VC),

The incident regarding the DOGSO handball at double figures to nil, im guessing 7/8 refs on that park that day none would have red carded the player.

I know that, i just feel at the moment but new ref in new league its the majority of refs who let a lot of things slide (lesser offences not VC),

The incident regarding the DOGSO handball at double figures to nil, im guessing 7/8 refs on that park that day none would have red carded the player.
Back to my point. Now that kid thinks doing that is ok. So when his team are only winning 1-0 he'll take a chance and do it again. Cue utter confusion from the player, manager, team mates and spectators, when he is dismissed. Hopefully you are starting understand that not sending off is the opposite of common sense
Back to my point. Now that kid thinks doing that is ok. So when his team are only winning 1-0 he'll take a chance and do it again. Cue utter confusion from the player, manager, team mates and spectators, when he is dismissed. Hopefully you are starting understand that not sending off is the opposite of common sense

I do get it totally, last week game on other pitch two kids fighting, ref sends both off yet manager is moaning at the referee to let the two lads be subbed.
Hi Spuddy
You have just taken the first step by saying I do get it. This is why cards need to be used. If they just get subbed no comeback. Red card means the player receives a fine. An annoyed parent will pay the fee. At that age the most important thing is the ban. Kids play football because they want to because they enjoy it. A ban will make them think again. Next time those 2 players may choose not to get in a fight as next time they miss a final or a really important game. Yellows are just as important as they can focus players. As mentioned earlier in this thread big decisions espeicially your first are difficult. You will get coaches who will try and influence but cautions at youth are needed. There are teams who I have reffed say Oh its him lets keep our mouths shut you know what he is like. They never do and find that I am true to form. But do not look for a caution they will come naturally!
Hi Spuddy
You have just taken the first step by saying I do get it. This is why cards need to be used. If they just get subbed no comeback. Red card means the player receives a fine. An annoyed parent will pay the fee. At that age the most important thing is the ban. Kids play football because they want to because they enjoy it. A ban will make them think again. Next time those 2 players may choose not to get in a fight as next time they miss a final or a really important game. Yellows are just as important as they can focus players. As mentioned earlier in this thread big decisions espeicially your first are difficult. You will get coaches who will try and influence but cautions at youth are needed. There are teams who I have reffed say Oh its him lets keep our mouths shut you know what he is like. They never do and find that I am true to form. But do not look for a caution they will come naturally!
Ti knows best! Agree with the above!

I know that, i just feel at the moment but new ref in new league its the majority of refs who let a lot of things slide (lesser offences not VC),

The incident regarding the DOGSO handball at double figures to nil, im guessing 7/8 refs on that park that day none would have red carded the player.
Bar isolated incidents you've witnessed, how do you know other refs are collectively letting things slide? Like I say, below a certain level and/or age group, there are very few incidents that warrant a card, but this shouldn't be confused with a low card count resulting from ignoring those incidents which do occur
The Laws are to be applied in 'the spirit of the game', but the moment you let a disciplinary offence slide, you're left in a vulnerable position. Lets say you allow players to be subbed when they ought to be dismissed, you cannot then justify any subsequent decisions on any basis because the rule book has been torn up. Rather than give you respect, the managers will routinely go on to stab you in the back one way or another. Refereeing kids is a lot different from Open Age and there is some room for common sense, but not where cautions and dismissals are concerned