
Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
I turned down a tasty sounding 1st v 4th, Div 1 game on Saturday as I had something on in the morning! I've just had another manager on to me saying a player broke his leg Tibula and Fibula in that game.. Not good at any level and i'm glad now that i wasn't there to see that!! Not sure fully of the circumstances but it sounds like it was him making a tackle and he's come off worst!!! I've seen lots of cuts, bruises, sprains etc but thankfully never had an obvious leg break, thats an awful thing to happen at any level of football and especially amateur saturday morning!!! Anyone had one???
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A&H International
Yep, two players slid in, knee to knee. One broken Tib or fib or both, the other soft tissue damage.....two ambulances, 40 minutes of stoppage and they want to resume play!
Made them warm up and restarted with a dropped ball.........
yup, a few whilst playing
player tackling and got studs caught in ground, bad leg break not played since
team mate getting heavily tackled from, behind broken leg... no card
same game I get caught from behind and get ankle ligaments snapped, no card
broke my wrist playing in goal... finished game out on pitch
few weeks ago, saw a players shoulder dislocate , which he popped back in and carried on
I've been fortunate in the sense that the worst I've had was a dislocated shoulder a few weeks ago. The brother of one of the blokes opponents was a doctor, so was able to come in and make sure everything was done right. No ambulance required, but someone did drive him to the hospital to have it popped back in.

The pitch next to mine had a long stoppage on Saturday as a player had a nasty ankle injury,. From chatting to the ref afterwards, he's slid to block a shot and arrived slightly late, so got the full force of the attackers follow through. It wasn't 'broken' in the sense his leg was sticking at funny angles, but ambulance had to come on the pitch so suspect he's fractured it. It happened on 85 minutes, and both teams agreed to finish the game so they moved onto my pitch when I'd finished and played out the rest of the game there.
Lower leg sideways - made some players sick.

Worst - U16's knee cutt open and could see inside. Made me feel sick, amazing thing the player felt no pain.
No broken bones for me, although for some reason I'm on a bit of a run of heads clashing and resulting in a lot of blood - had this occur in my last two games with a nasty cut to the head in the first and a badly bleeding nose in the second. Hopefully this doesn't continue any further!
had a season opener ... 12 minutes in, player jumps to header the ball - as he lands his knee doesn't bend and a lovely cracking noise appeared to be his fib and tib snapping at once ... teams decided to abandon and replay the fixture.
I've seen 2 broken legs as a player. The first was just an awkward landing, I had to drive the guy to hospital.

The second was a flat-out assault from a good player who was livid at having been dispossessed by a fat lad. The ref did not even award a foul. That incident resulted in the team disbanding and most of the players have not played again since. (We were in our late 30s anyway.)

As a ref I've seen a challenge that resulted in a player's prosthetic arm coming loose and flying across the pitch. It took me a moment to work out what had happened, I did not know about the arm. When I blew the whistle the player on the ball turned and shouted in frustration "What??" I pointed and said "His arm's fallen off."

"Oh, fair play."
Player tore his ACL during a game... while he was bending over to pick up the ball.

There was an ambulance on site because another player broke his leg on another pitch, after landing funny. They were both loaded up into it and off they went.
Worst - U16's knee cutt open and could see inside. Made me feel sick, amazing thing the player felt no pain.

Playing in goal a couple of years (30ish!) I had my left knee sliced open to the bone by a player sliding in on me (not even a free kick!). The next season I dived to push a shot round the post and when I got up I'd done the same thing to my right knee. The square wooden goal post was in a box in the ground that was sticking up a couple of inches and I'd hit it on the corner.

On both occasions I slapped some mud on it and carried on! As you say, it didn't hurt at the time, but it did when they put the stitches in after cleaning the mud out. On both occasions the referee was ok with me playing on after asking if I was ok - different times!

I've seen a few bad injuries while refereeing - some intentional, some accidental. The worst one was a player who went into a 50:50. Both players slid in and he got his studs caught in the ground. I didn't even realise because the other player came away with the ball so I followed it. I looked back in time to see him get up and start to hop 50 yards off the pitch with his leg flapping around six inches below the knee ( I won't get too graphic but that one made me feel ill) Again, he didn't feel any pain straight away but it really kicked in soon after. I had to catch him to stop him hopping because I didn't want him to do himself any more damage. I was abandoning anyway because the players didn't feel like carrying on after seeing that.

I went about ten years with no broken legs in my games, and then had two in successive games at the end of last season.
As a ref I've seen a challenge that resulted in a player's prosthetic arm coming loose and flying across the pitch. It took me a moment to work out what had happened, I did not know about the arm. When I blew the whistle the player on the ball turned and shouted in frustration "What??" I pointed and said "His arm's fallen off."

"Oh, fair play."
