Post Match Fight


Well-Known Member
Level 4 Referee
Yesterday had a supply league game where after the final whistle, it was evident there was a punch up between two players of the same team within their own changing room.

I could not see it, but could hear it. I elected not to enter, and let their manager and coaches sort it out.

Should I have entered and sent both off?
Should I have entered and helped calm the situation down? (but not issued cards)
Or was I right in not getting involved?

If it were between two opposing players or happened on the FOP / outside of changing rooms I would have got involved.
A&H International
If you haven’t seen it you shouldnt send them off as you’re guessing on what you’ve heard, or going on hearsay. However, you should probably submit a report as to what you did hear.

I personally haven’t been the situation before but I doubt I would enter the changing room. If the team want to beat each other up behind closed doors after the game has completed, then that’s on them. I’m not putting myself in the way of it
A single team inside their own changing room is justifiable for you to just ignore, or at most simply report what you heard. I'd certainly never go into a team's changing room uninvited - you don't want to set that precedent!

If it's between the two teams then I think you have a little more obligation to get involved, if only to provide a neutral view as to what happened.

I still think the idea of it being inside changing rooms is problematic, but I have had this happen outside the changing rooms - I was round a corner so didn't see what instigated it, but did get there in time to see some evidence of fighting (players being held back etc). All I could do was report that I had heard but not seen an altercation, and record/report the names given to me by one team as the instigators - the other team weren't willing to speak to me.
Once you leave the field of play you no are no longer able to show red and yellow cards, and anything post that would just be an extraordinary report.

To be honest, post match, in the privacy of a changing room, imo, falls outside of our jurisdiction and is an internal matter for the club.
Match over and you and the teams have left the FOP. No obligation to get involved and no upside - let them get on with it.

Of course you can't unsee things, but in your dressing room with the door closed and 'in the shower' can be the best place to be
Do nothing. Huge majority of time as officials, we feel duty bound to do something, more so, cover our own Archies should something arise in the weeks to come

this one is the opposite, nothing for you to get involved in, if your input is needed, it will be requested,
Once you leave the field of play you no are no longer able to show red and yellow cards, and anything post that would just be an extraordinary report.

To be honest, post match, in the privacy of a changing room, imo, falls outside of our jurisdiction and is an internal matter for the club.
This is where I would probably fall as well. However, I can see the value of an extraordinary report to have as evidence in the event of any club discipline or even a possible criminal proceeding. Obviously, state only facts about what you heard and do not editorialize. If you heard a particular word, note that you heard that word. Don’t guess as to who might have said it. It you can clearly identify a voice (I.e. “deeper voice” or “higher voice”), that would be a fact as opposed to an opinion or editorial content.
I have worked with lots of referees who have held us back on the pitch when it has looked like it is kicking off in the tunnel or changing room areas. Can't report what we haven't seen was always the mantra there 😂

Certainly not getting involved if it is inside a team's changing room.