Real Madrid vs Man City

To only add 3 minutes on at the end of this half is absolutely scandalous, but to blow early as well…
A&H International
Wasn't a clever tackle by Sterling, but you can understand City's frustration that the ref didn't hesitate in dishing out a yellow considering Casemiro's earlier escapes.
I'd love to see the 60 minute game trialed in a big league, even if it was the Championship.
I'd take seeing it in preseason friendlies at the moment. Teams do all sorts of weird things in the really early friendlies, 60 minute stop clock would be tame by comparison!
I'm pretty sure the LOTG state a referee can play more than the additional time they indicate, but not less. How did he blow up at +2:50 when +3:00 was indicated?
I'm pretty sure the LOTG state a referee can play more than the additional time they indicate, but not less. How did he blow up at +2:50 when +3:00 was indicated?
Time is judged by the referee's watch, not the stadium or TV company's clocks. If his watch says 3:00, he can end the game.

He's also in no way obliged to follow the indication on the board - if he says "3 minutes" to the 4O and then decides he's slightly overestimated it, that's technically his prerogative to blow early. Although I wouldn't put that under "good practice", it's not against the LOTG.
Time is judged by the referee's watch, not the stadium or TV company's clocks. If his watch says 3:00, he can end the game.

He's also in no way obliged to follow the indication on the board - if he says "3 minutes" to the 4O and then decides he's slightly overestimated it, that's technically his prerogative to blow early. Although I wouldn't put that under "good practice", it's not against the LOTG.

you're right of course, and it probably wouldnt have mattered...but when you've already had half the city bench on at the 4th for not adding enough time on (i'm pretty sure 3 was at least 1 low) then blowing up early is borderline moronic
Apologies again for listening to TalkSh**e but they were riffing on the first half challenge on De Bruyne. He wasn't the same after Casemiro scythed him down. For me, that was a KMI error by the referee. It was a clear yellow card and contributed to the excessive attempted tackles later in the game.

I think this "keep the players on the field" stuff has gone way too far. Major players getting cards is part of the drama of football. Yellows and reds also do typically disadvantage defenders and support attacking football (I think). Yeah, they've got this wrong. Use the cards!
Apologies again for listening to TalkSh**e but they were riffing on the first half challenge on De Bruyne. He wasn't the same after Casemiro scythed him down. For me, that was a KMI error by the referee. It was a clear yellow card and contributed to the excessive attempted tackles later in the game.

i’d say it was at least orange. We’ve certainly seen a swinging pendulum on where the SFP line is. i think this was a clear red not so long ago—a scissors from behind. I think it still should be, but the softening of the standards has watered this to orange, or maybe even yellow as the expected call. No card seems horribly wrong to me.
i’d say it was at least orange. We’ve certainly seen a swinging pendulum on where the SFP line is. i think this was a clear red not so long ago—a scissors from behind. I think it still should be, but the softening of the standards has watered this to orange, or maybe even yellow as the expected call. No card seems horribly wrong to me.
No, not having that. It was a very clear missed caution, but wasn't even close to being a red, that would have been pilloried by everyone if he had taken that approach.
No, not having that. It was a very clear missed caution, but wasn't even close to being a red, that would have been pilloried by everyone if he had taken that approach.

I’m bewildered by the idea it isn’t close to red. It’s a scissors tackle from behind. It’s not that long ago it was a clear and unambiguous red. (And admittedly not that long before that a red would have been unthinkable.) I suppose I should have been more precise to say I think it should be at least orange. I unfortunately think you’re right that the way the pendulum has swung a red would be very much unexpected. And probably will stay that way until a scissors tackle breaks a leg of a high profile player. I think the Game had it right when it was considered red.
It's a cynical tackle. Not even close to SFP. Caution.
You'd be surprised if a L7 ref got this one wrong. To not caution here is incredible.
He's also in no way obliged to follow the indication on the board - if he says "3 minutes" to the 4O and then decides he's slightly overestimated it, that's technically his prerogative to blow early. Although I wouldn't put that under "good practice", it's not against the LOTG.
Yes, he is obliged to follow it and it is against the LOTG if he doesn't.

Law 7 states:

The fourth official indicates the minimum additional time decided by the referee at the end of the final minute of each half. The additional time may be increased by the referee but not reduced.

(Emphasis mine).
Well that's yet another bonkers aspect of how football considers timekeeping then. Fully at the discretion of the referee - except for when it's not of course.

Also, yet another aspect that makes a mockery of the idea of one set of laws for all football. I've been refereeing for something like 8 years and I have yet to do a match where the 4th official has indicated the minimum additional time. 8 years of refereeing and I haven't successfully completed a single match in line with the LOTG! Disappointing that none of the 10+ observers have picked up on this lack of LOTG compliance as well!
Well that's yet another bonkers aspect of how football considers timekeeping then. Fully at the discretion of the referee - except for when it's not of course.

Also, yet another aspect that makes a mockery of the idea of one set of laws for all football. I've been refereeing for something like 8 years and I have yet to do a match where the 4th official has indicated the minimum additional time. 8 years of refereeing and I haven't successfully completed a single match in line with the LOTG! Disappointing that none of the 10+ observers have picked up on this lack of LOTG compliance as well!
I don't think this is bonkers though - I know what you're saying but I think it can be broadly understood that this only applies where there is a 4th official.

Even so, the principle is clearly that if the referee indicates a certain amount of time will be added, that's the point at which they've made that decision. They can then add time (if there's further stoppages in added time) but should not reduce it. So I would consider that if I've indicated to my AR, or to the benches (or - perhaps more arguably - to the players) that there will be 3 mins of added time, I shouldn't then blow up after 2 but I could go to 4 and that would be defensible in law.