The Ref Stop

Red cards


RefChat Addict
I was reading another post on here earlier regarding 2 yellow cards and it occurred to me that all the reds I've given (OA Sunday League football) have been strsight reds. I've not even been close to 2 yellow offences for the same player yet.

What would everyone say the average straight red/two yellows ratio is for themselves?
The Ref Stop
It’s totally dependent on what is in front of you, a game full of louts may end in a card free game, whereas a game that looks like a cakewalk may go south with just one tackle.

On the whole though, idiots will usually be idiots and footballers will be just that but there are many things that can influence that and a card count! Don’t get hung up on cards though, their use should be a last resort and not a first one, that said the time gap can be very small!
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I'm not hung up, literally just interested in how many straight reds people give as opposed to 2 yellows, for no other purpose other than to see if there's a trend
I've only ever dismissed one person for amassing two yellows in 4 seasons of refereeing. SPA then dissent. At the start of my career there probably should have been a couple more, as I tended to try and manage situations where there was a player already on a yellow than do the right thing and give them a second caution. All learning points though, wouldn't do it now in a million years.
Double yellows, not many, straight reds, the majority..... from extreme Industrial Language, usually aimed at me to punches to Foul sludge tackles.... I probably did the full set over 11 years.... 1 abandoned in 600 wasn’t bad though!
Only started tracking last season:

Last season: 6 red cards, 3 for second cautions, 3 straight (1 SFP, 1 VC, 1 OFFINABUS)

This season 3 red cards, 1 for secon caution, 2 straight (1 SFP, 1 VC)
I'd be surprised if less than a third of my reds are double-yellows. From the idiots who don't take the first yellow card as enough of a warning to those who assume I won't penalise kicking the ball away or other technical yellows if they're already on a yellow. It might just been my poor judgement, but genuinely poor tackles/acts of violence just don't occur that often as far as I can see in my matches.
On more than one occasion I have had only two sanctions the the entire game and they they have both been yellows to the same person. If someone is hellbent on getting themselves sent off, nothing you can do about it.

On the whole, probably about a third of my reds are double yellow.
Looking back over historical stats, each season there has been one offence that occurred more common that others.

One season 9 of my 11 reds were for DOGSO; in three others the bulk were double-yellows. In another I only showed 5 overall and 3 were violent conduct. Haven't had a double in a long time mind you (beyond the 18 month absence through injury)
For me the higher the standard of football the more second yellows you see/give. The higher standard players are less likely to call you all the names under the sun (only a bit less) and more likely to commit a reckless challenge on a yellow. Not sure i have ever given two yellows on a Sunday morning but have given a few on a Saturday.
Not had a single second caution yet this season or most of last.

One of my local leagues operates Sin Bins. I’ve actually found a couple of sending offs have been for a reaction after player being sent there, normally a tirade of offensive Language which is worse than the dissent received beforehand.
Interesting - my tracking looks more like @GraemeS. All of my reds last year were S7 except for two that came in the final game (both DOGSO-H...from the same team btw!) Year before it was all S7 except one OFFINABUS and one excess force tackle.

I have a lot of guys in that spreadsheet on double yellows where both were for dissent. Especially from when I first started and the leagues were a bit lower down.
I dont track the offences. But I know that 1/3 red cards this season have been for SBO. The other 2 were VC and SFP.
My only red card so far this season has been for a SBO. I wouldn’t get hung up on not having many of them as every game is different and if you start thinking of statistics, it could cloud your decision making in game. Not having red cards for SBO may be that you have very good game management skills and are using your yellow at the right time.
1 double yellow and 1 straight red in 4 seasons.

But I should point out that the 4th season is only just starting, last season (my third) I only did 7 games due to injury.

I know I missed a straight red in my first ever game, about 12 minutes in, there are probably other occasions where I was too lenient and gave a yellow instead of a red, or let too much go in terms of dissent (for second yellows etc).

What is SBO? I'm having a brain fart and can't work out what it is supposed to be.
I found an old pen stick the other day with all my early stats on... I’ll have a look and see what a horror story it was, I was doing 2-3 games a weekend and my Sunday’s were usually with life’s unforgettable footballers... I can remember some of them but most are now a blur, certainly kept the County FA in bubbly at the Christmas do.... it took them a few years to get used to my non-appreciation of being taken as an idiot that they got away with with other old boy refs and kids they just ignored. Latterly the numbers plummeted as I was a better referee and had a reputation that preceded me....
I've never had a red for DOGSO by handball or other means, most of my red cards come from two yellows, OFFINABUS or VC. I've had one red card for SFP, which the home team weren't happy about at first (it's rare to see SFP at grassroots level to be honest, unless it's that kind of match), but the manager eventually came round to agreeing with me after the match.

Felt bad for the guilty party because it clearly wasn't a malicious tackle, just a really poor one. Nonetheless the LOTG are the LOTG and I couldn't sell this one as a caution, he had to walk (two footed and off the ground).
This is the stats from one grassroots association over two seasons. You can usually find this sort of stuff in annual reports. Gives you a benchmark but keep in mind they are dependent on many factors including level and demographics. You may use S code there but the numbers are the same (R7 is SBO).
