Restart for offence by substitute off the FOP

Agreed. IFK for non-physical offences/DFK for physical offences on the touchline nearest the incident seems like it would be a sensible "catch-all" situation for anything that occurs off the pitch. Trying to work out what the role is of the person who has committed the offence, what the role is of the person who they have committed it against and if anyone stepped onto the FOP at any point all seems to be adding unnecessary complexity.

Doing that under pressure in a match situation where the players want an answer now is also going to complicate things.

I think this is one I'm going to have to revise on every week until I can get it into my head. :eek:
A&H International
In all honesty, I'm probably going to take the approach I described as the "default" if anything like this did happen and I doubt I'll get anyone quoting obscure laws at me to prove me wrong. But yeah, revision of the previously posted email feels like it's in order.
At some point I need to fine tooth comb through and corroborate the lotg with DE's answers. Specifically around dropped ball scenarios.
I was in Leeds today meeting a chap at a company, he looked like one of those upper class football thugs.... I asked him if he supported Dirty Leeds and disappointingly he admitted to supporting the Massive! Just done his quote and added on 5%, call it a payback tax! :D

David Elleray must either understand Cut and paste or has more time on his hands these days!
Having thought about it, it can be summarised and made easier to remember considering a few principles and concepts. The law seems confusing because they have assumed this knowledge rather than spelling it out. For example DE said "The Law is clear that a FK can only be awarded if the offence is by a player or against a player/match official". That makes a lot of sense but the law is not clear on that at all. Law 12.4 refers to it but it should have been made clear in law 13.1 here which reads somewhat contradictory.


I think this summary (cheat sheet) makes it simpler and you can work out the restart for just about any situation. Most of it is common knowledge for all referees (hopefully I haven't made a mistake).

  • A FK can only be awarded if the offence is (everything else is a dropped ball)
    • by a player against a person listed on the teamsheet/match official or
    • by a person listed on the teamsheet against a player/match official

  • Interfering with play/player/MO (on or off the field of play or by throwing an object) is considered a DFK offence
    • entering the field without permission and if referee stops play is considered interfering
    • Interference offence is committed by non-players on the teamsheet or by a player without permission to be on the FOP.
  • Entering the field without interference by a player is IFK

  • Offences on the FOP
    • Player against an opponent/MO - FK as per LOTG
    • Player against non-player - DFK
    • Player against team mate - DFK
    • Player/non-player interference as defined above - DFK
    • Anything else - DB (e.g., no-player against non-player, against outside agent)
  • Offences off the FOP (restart from boundary line)
    • Player against an opponent/MO - FK as per LOTG
    • Player against an non-player - FK as per LOTG
    • Player against team mate - IFK
    • Non-player against opposing player/MO - as per LOTG
    • Anything else - DB (e.g., non-player against non-player, against outside agent)
Don't forget the LOTG definition of a player. A substitute is not a player but a player temporarily off the FOP is still a player.
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