Ryan Atkin, the UK's first 'out' professional football referee

A&H International
Thought the same. But think it means he assistant in the professional game as opposed to how it reads
Ryan Atkin, the UK's first 'out' professional football referee

Well if England is the UK then yes maybe but there are other countries who make up the UK, with "out" professional league officials....so in itself the title of the article is factually not correct for starters.
Irrelevant question in relation to the article tbf.....he should be commended for his actions and taking the brave step to come out.

I personally know of more than one gay/bi officials at the same level as this chap. (As I'm sure other on thsi site do)
The press think you're not "openly gay" until the press have done an article on you and your sexual preference :rolleyes:
Respect to Ryan.

I just cannot understand how (in enlightened Western Europe) we have a society that means people still feel they have to be "out" or "in" and cannot just be themselves.
Football especially should be ashamed. The numbers guess that minimum 1.5%, probably more, of the general pop identify as homosexual. It is highly unlikely IMHO that there is much downward deviation from general statistics in professional sports. My heart goes out to all the people working in football and watching football at all levels who feel they cannot express their sexual preference in public for whatever reason.
Respect to Ryan.

I just cannot understand how (in enlightened Western Europe) we have a society that means people still feel they have to be "out" or "in" and cannot just be themselves.
Football especially should be ashamed. The numbers guess that minimum 1.5%, probably more, of the general pop identify as homosexual. It is highly unlikely IMHO that there is much downward deviation from general statistics in professional sports. My heart goes out to all the people working in football and watching football at all levels who feel they cannot express their sexual preference in public for whatever reason.

What?!!! I fail to see ANY link between expressing sexual prefernce and being able to judge offside! Its attitudes like that which make things difficult!
Maybe. My question is. Why would amyone of any sexual persuation feel the need to involve it in their sport.
Am not sure there is any link between sexuality and abilty to judge offside

I dont ask if my bus driver is gay
Or the person who serves me in Greggs
So if there is no association with sexuality and ability to officiate at (in this case) a football match, then, why the article in the first place
its not relevant.
@Ciley Myrus looks like a number of us agree with you - wish it was irrelevant - but the fact is football is not a "safe" place to be openly gay. That has to change and it will take some publicity and some brace players and officials to make it happen.

I still struggle with the link to revealing you are gay and officiating. Hugh Dallas got his windows tanned after a Celtic Rangers game, and a coin thrown at him, maybe that's because he was straight........

Or maybe its nothing to do with it, sexuality is irrelevant.
Call me a cynic but I personally get impression he is doing it to be a bit of a celebrity and possibly help his reffing career. I couldn't care less about his sexuality more interested in his decision making etc on pitch
Perhaps he sees the upside in being a bit more well known. Wouldn't be the first activist with an ego - doesn't make the issue any less important - nor does it really diminish the possible positive impact.

I am middle aged straight white guy - we have it easy. Before we say his sexuality doesnt matter let's consider the relatively poor state of acceptance for race and sexuality in sport/football and just wish him well and hope that things change so we can welcome more people to football.
Perhaps he sees the upside in being a bit more well known. Wouldn't be the first activist with an ego - doesn't make the issue any less important - nor does it really diminish the possible positive impact.

I am middle aged straight white guy - we have it easy. Before we say his sexuality doesnt matter let's consider the relatively poor state of acceptance for race and sexuality in sport/football and just wish him well and hope that things change so we can welcome more people to football.

Wouldn't call it easy.......in many ways, being white and straight is a positive disadvantage these days.
Wouldn't call it easy.......in many ways, being white and straight is a positive disadvantage these days.
Lol I do think we have it easy (white 28yrold) but I also do think it would suit the pgmo or whatever you call it if he kept getting promoted. Lots of pats on back for being so accepting and modern etc. Just wonder who arranged the newspaper and tv interviews etc. There's coming out and being loud and proud and then there is coming out and being VERY loud and proud. Like I say just me being cynical. Still think it's brave and a good thing he has done it on the whole.
Anyone hear the former England Lady on the radio this morning with her allegations that were tactfully brushed sideways!!