The Ref Stop

Team Official Second Caution

Manager 2nd yellow procedure

  • No card is shown - Point to the location the team official must go

  • Show a 2nd yellow card followed by a red card

  • Show a direct red card

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For decades, a second yellow card was not shown. And it is really unnecessary, as the game at hand is unaffected by whether it was a 2CT or a straight red. I believe it was around 1990, when cards first appeared in the Laws, that the showing of a second yellow was added so participants would know immediately if it was a second cautionable offense or a straight send off offense. Perhaps the thought process is that no one cares if the touchline is getting a second caution or a straight send off? But having a separate protocol is bewildering to me.
The only reason I can think of is to shorten the process in a tense and confronting situation. But the same would apply for a player, and consistency is key. It would just cause confusion.
The Ref Stop
Law 12, team officials, sending off… “receiving a second caution in the same match” seems pretty clear to me.

How can you receive a second caution if you are not shown a yellow card..?
I will say that we're taught that a yellow card only communicates the caution to everyone else.
I will say that we're taught that a yellow card only communicates the caution to everyone else.
I've always taken that as a provision purely in case the referee forgets his cards, or is a bystander who has stepped in but doesn't have the equipment. Essentially "if you have a yellow card on you, it should be shown to communicate the caution, but if cards aren't available, their absence doesn't prohibit cautioning".
I've always taken that as a provision purely in case the referee forgets his cards, or is a bystander who has stepped in but doesn't have the equipment. Essentially "if you have a yellow card on you, it should be shown to communicate the caution, but if cards aren't available, their absence doesn't prohibit cautioning".
Indeed. Happened to me once on a game I was being observed on, my card fell out my pocket and I hadn't realised until I went to caution someone. Not wanting to desperately start searching for it, I told the player he was being cautioned and raised an imaginary card. Observer was happy enough but advised me to take a spare out in a different pocket in future.
Indeed. Happened to me once on a game I was being observed on, my card fell out my pocket and I hadn't realised until I went to caution someone. Not wanting to desperately start searching for it, I told the player he was being cautioned and raised an imaginary card. Observer was happy enough but advised me to take a spare out in a different pocket in future.
Did Gazza show you the lost card aloft and did you enhance the worldwide reputation of referees by cautioning him for his unforgiveable impish act?

It's quite easy to lose stuff, especially a writing implement TBF
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We had this recently on the PGMOL portal and the advice was a red card shown without a yellow for a second cautionable bench offence.