The Ref Stop

Union Berlin goal

The Ref Stop
It looks like the officials were oblivious to this. On the - admittedly not great footage - it looks like handball and a foul throw leading to goal.

Interesting, certainly not seen that before!
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I think with foul throws, the expectation (that is never really going to get you in trouble) is that if it's remotely borderline, you don't need to give it. However I would absolutely have stopped for a HB if the ball hasn't actually left the FOP, particularly given there's clearly an opposing player in reach and he's obviously grabbed it quickly to "make sure" it's gone out.
The thing with this was that it was not border line. Giving it was not only correct but also the easiest 'foul throw' to sell.


I think had the referee noticed it, he would have given it.
I can't get the tiktok to work, so I'm going purely off the images. It's entirely legal to lift your foot once the ball has been released, so that latest picture alone proves nothing given how far away the ball is - going purely off the first picture I still think it's pretty much borderline.
The thing with this was that it was not border line. Giving it was not only correct but also the easiest 'foul throw' to sell.

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I think had the referee noticed it, he would have given it.
This photo doesn't show the throw was improper. The foot has to be on the ground when the ball is released; it doesn't have to stay on the ground. (Yes, I realize if it is that far off when the ball is where it is then the foot was probably off when he released, but there is a myth out there that if it comes up after release it is an improper throw. The other pic was the one that actually showed it was improper. Though I think the AR missing the handling is worse.)
The foot is definitely on the ground when the ball is released. No foul throw for me. Definitely dubious if the ball was wholly over though B109728D-B33B-4B0F-876E-427403D4275F.jpeg
This photo doesn't show the throw was improper. The foot has to be on the ground when the ball is released; it doesn't have to stay on the ground. (Yes, I realize if it is that far off when the ball is where it is then the foot was probably off when he released, but there is a myth out there that if it comes up after release it is an improper throw. The other pic was the one that actually showed it was improper. Though I think the AR missing the handling is worse.)
I can't get the tiktok to work, so I'm going purely off the images. It's entirely legal to lift your foot once the ball has been released, so that latest picture alone proves nothing given how far away the ball is - going purely off the first picture I still think it's pretty much borderline.
Of course it is legal to have the foot off after the throw. As per the caption, the photo was to show "easy to sell"

The foot is definitely on the ground when the ball is released.
There is no way you can make that definitive statement from that 2D poor quality image (does he actually have a foot in they photo 🤣 ) As we won't be able to make a definitive statement that it is off from my photo. You'd have to see the better quality video.
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Of course it is legal to have the foot off after the throw. As per the caption, the photo was to show "easy to sell"

There is no way you can make that definitive statement from that 2D poor quality image (does he actually have a foot in they photo 🤣 ) As we won't be able to make a definitive statement that it is off from my photo. You'd have to see the better quality video.
You're making a completely different point. Is it definitely on the ground? Maybe, maybe not - as you quite rightly point out, the limitations of a 2D image make it difficult for us to say for sure.

Is it probably on the ground? Yes, certainly enough that the referee doesn't have to give a foul throw here - and I definitely wouldn't want a VAR going anywhere near this!

I get that a foul throw feels like a black and white issue, but as with a lot of things in football, the interpretation of the law allows for some wiggle room. If a referee wanted to slow the game down, or penalise a player who had already been warned, I think he could give a FT here and no one would argue. But denying a promising attack and what turned out to be a goal due to this very slight possibility that his foot was maybe off the ground? That would be crazy refereeing.

The HB is a serious issue that should have been controlled. The possible foul throw is a nothing issue that's only even come into the conversation because of the HB.
Nope. Still not definitive answer there If anything, from that image, I would say it looks his foot is off the ground. Because there is no depth in the image it give the illusion of being on the ground. Like these Where is the tower or the sun in these photos?

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Are you only saying it looks like his foot is off the ground because if you agreed with the photo it would contradict your foul throw point. You posted a low quality photo in the second post as proof it was a foul throw so I’m confused.
here is the high quality video, part of his foot is on the ground when the throw is taken

Are you only saying it looks like his foot is off the ground because if you agreed with the photo it would contradict your foul throw point.
Don't agree and and I am not.

You posted a low quality photo in the second post as proof it was a foul throw
Fair point. But later I agreed a low quality photo can't be used in this case to get a definitive determination .

here is the high quality video, part of his foot is on the ground when the throw is taken
It's geo blocked for me. But funny that the high quality video I posted in post #11 was to show the opposite of what you are saying. I got intrigued enough to downloaded the high quality video and used a video editor to watch it frame by frame. I am convinced his foot is off the ground at the time the ball leaves his hand but I must admit, given the camera distance from the throw, it is not conclusive. There is a close up shot but it doesn't show his foot.

Lets put a new spin on this. Notice I used the singular form of 'hand' above. This was deliberate (unlike other my often poor grammar mistake @Kes ). Would anyone call this a one handed throw? These are consecutive frames 1/25 seconds apart.

1618408376307.png 1618408421624.png