World Cup Wales vs Moldova

Will Triffitt

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Last night I was watching the Wales vs Moldova game. When Wales scored the penalty with the last kick of the game, did anyone else notice that once the ball was in the net and celebrations had begun, the ref blew for full time. Is this something that is alright to do or is it best to restart play? I have had it several times and kicked off then after a few touches around the centre of the FOP, blow for full time. However this sometimes seems a bit harsh on the team that conceded because they know what is coming, it can feel like a bit of a waste of time, especially when it was the winning goal. However, (hopefully the players would recognise the whistle - you can never be sure!) but could blowing after a goal for full time or even half time potentially cause some issues as players may think the goal has been disallowed? Those comments are easy to sort out because you just confirm what the whistle was for. What are people's views?
A&H International
i didnt see it but it sounds like added time purely for the penalty kick ? in which case thats perfectly ok? and i would have thought if that was the case then the ref would have said to those in earshot that was what was happening
if it had been a goal from open play then i would tend to take the time and get them to kick off again, saves potential agg
I do tend to take the opposite approach to Richard - if the players know we're in the last minute, or the goal was scored on the "last attack", I'll just blow up to finish the game. The last thing I want is a player smashing another player direct from KO because I've decided to extend time for an extra 10 seconds and they think they have a chance to launch another attack (although thinking about it, this might be less relevant now that the ball can go directly back to a safe teammate).

A full-time whistle is pretty unique in the game, I can't think of any situation where you'd do 3 long blasts or a varying tone apart from that. I'd be surprised if players can get confused.
i didnt see it but it sounds like added time purely for the penalty kick ? in which case thats perfectly ok? and i would have thought if that was the case then the ref would have said to those in earshot that was what was happening
if it had been a goal from open play then i would tend to take the time and get them to kick off again, saves potential agg

It was! There was about 4 mins added and it may have even been more than 4 mins added by the time the kick was taken. Hadn't thought of the warning bit!!!
For me penalty scored, back to the centre spot take kick off 5 seconds blow for full time, done it before with no problems........
Do you do the same on goal kicks, or would you blow before it was put back in play?
Do you do the same on goal kicks, or would you blow before it was put back in play?

I admit I am one of those who likes to "manage" the final whistle. If it's clearly a goal kick and I'm happy it's the last kick of the game I'd blow up. Alternatively, if I had 18-20 players in the penalty area arguing about whether it is a goal kick or corner I might let the goal kick happen. It gives you a moment for players to spread out and calm down. I can also strategically position myself for a quick dash into the changing rooms if necessary!
I admit I am one of those who likes to "manage" the final whistle. If it's clearly a goal kick and I'm happy it's the last kick of the game I'd blow up. Alternatively, if I had 18-20 players in the penalty area arguing about whether it is a goal kick or corner I might let the goal kick happen. It gives you a moment for players to spread out and calm down. I can also strategically position myself for a quick dash into the changing rooms if necessary!

If the ball has gone a long way behind the goal - I'll always wait until the GK has retrieved it before blowing for half-time - just in case there's a chance that muggins will have to get it ..!
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Do you do the same on goal kicks, or would you blow before it was put back in play?

I wait until the ball is in play. Especially if it has gone off the pitch at half time and you can't be bothered to walk to pick it up!!!
One of my pet hates is referees making us go through the motions of a goal kick or kick off just to blow up.
Just because the drones on TV do it.
Just blow the bloody thing when it goes out (unless the very rare situations previously mentioned arise)
If the ball is in the bushes somewhere then I'll take the goal kick....but yeah, it's a dumb thing that referees seem to have created this expectation that you must take the restart. But so is all this 'neutral territory' BS.
Although there's an argument (perhaps valid, perhaps not) that allowing the kickoff may help to reduce the dissent you might cop from a goal.