What should I of done?


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Afternoon guys. I weekly officiate a 5 aside league just for some extra pocket money and had an incident last night that troubling me.
I gave a decision against Blue Team and I heard '****ing cheat' shouted at me but I wasn't too sure who said it so I asked who said it. There was no answer except the opposition asked what happened and a member of the blue team said 'just the ref, he's got an ego'.
Anyone who knows me would agree that I'm the last guy on earth who has an ego but driving away last night I was wondering what steps I should of taken if any.
Many thanks and I hope the start of the season is treating you all kind.
A&H International
If you had identified the player, a red card would be the only correct answer. As you weren't able to do so, you can't take any direct action.

In an 11-a-side game, I'd be calling the captain over and warning him that a member of his team is risking a straight red - I don't know how this applies to 5-a-side.
One thing that I have tried, and has worked more than once, is to give a good blast on whistle, and say "ok, over here please player" while moving to a neutral area.......you'd be surprised at the amount of offenders who will make their way over to you none the wiser that you actually don't have a clue who said what.

Of course, if no one moves, it's a bit awkward, but then you can always pick out the most likely suspect, or the captain, and proceed to give them a good stern talking to.
One thing that I have tried, and has worked more than once, is to give a good blast on whistle, and say "ok, over here please player" while moving to a neutral area.......you'd be surprised at the amount of offenders who will make their way over to you none the wiser that you actually don't have a clue who said what.

Of course, if no one moves, it's a bit awkward, but then you can always pick out the most likely suspect, or the captain, and proceed to give them a good stern talking to.
I read this on here and used it towards the back end of last season.

Low and behold it worked, amazing.

Back to OP - sadly if you dont see who said it you are powerless. What I wouldn't have done was asked who did it. If you aren't certain who said it you can say "to the room" if you like something along the lines of " I'll have less of that, anymore you'll walk". That way it isnt left undealt with, and you havent lost face admitting you've no clue who said what.
As for players saying about your "ego".. just ignore them. Brush it off and dont dwell on it. We all have an ego, you couldnt do the job without it I don't think. Onto next week :)
One thing that I have tried, and has worked more than once, is to give a good blast on whistle, and say "ok, over here please player" while moving to a neutral area.......you'd be surprised at the amount of offenders who will make their way over to you none the wiser that you actually don't have a clue who said what.

Of course, if no one moves, it's a bit awkward, but then you can always pick out the most likely suspect, or the captain, and proceed to give them a good stern talking to.

I've done that on a DOGSO and thankfully it worked as I didn't have a Scooby who had done the foul. It's an incredibly risky approach though as if no-one comes over you will look a total fool. I know of one referee who called the captain over and said "someone is going and at the moment it is you unless you tell me who said it", but again that falls into the very risky category.

To be honest the safest option here is to do nothing other than perhaps letting everyone know you heard it but can't identify who said it, and that you'll be looking the right way next time.