Worst Game to date

It can't be easy refereeing kids of virtually the same age. I thought a ref must be two years older than the players (maybe i just invented that)
@Tino Best hit the nail on the head regarding the adult coaches - Bullies
This won't reflect badly at all on you with anyone, but these 'responsible adults' will have some demeaning questions asked of them
This could has the potential to be good experience for you, although i'm sure it was very intimidating at the time
My understanding is that a ref has to be the "school year" above those he's refereeing - so if Joe was a player, he would have to be playing at U17's or above in order to ref U16's.
A&H International
Lots of great points covered above. Just my 2 cents.

First - Personally RC1 would have been a straight red. The way I was taught was if it uses the term "you or you're" in it, then its very likely to be a red. "that's s**t ref" would be a yellow, "you're s**t ref" would be a red.

Second - I remember on my course a fair few years ago, one of the tutors told our group - "you will have games where you get home, throw your kit in a corner and think 'Why the f**k do I do this?' When you do, remember its them and not you!"

Third - The way in which the members of a team behave, especially at youth level is a reflection of the leadership by the coaching team. The players behave like that because of the example set by the coach. Its important you have reported the actions of the coach, as they are supposed to be a responsible adult and there are a number of potential child protection issues arising out of their behaviour.

Finally & Most Importantly - The vast majority of people involved in football across all functions are decent people, taking part in a sport that they love. The fact that the home team stepped in to assist you on the day bears out that fact. There are tons of people either within your local county FA, local RA, or even other referees you know that are more than happy to speak to you and support you.

Ohh and finally, finally - forget the club marks, focus on making the right decisions in games, ensuring you are correct in law and getting yourself into credible decision making positions, everything else will follow, but sometimes especially at grassroots level you'll still get bad club marks from one team for any number of reasons. It only really becomes a problem if you are getting consistently low marks from both teams.
I had (and wrote about on here) a similar experience 3 weeks ago. Several yellow and a couple of reds, including a player who went head to head to me and starting mouthing off etc. As a 17 year old, I'm glad you've brushed it off. It's water off a ducks back to a guy twice your age and considerable bigger lol but it's not a nice situation for anyone.

Congratulations on having the courage to apply the laws. I think the reason why things get out of hand is because the offending team are so used to getting away with dissent etc that they lose their heads when a ref actually cards them. Some of the players I played with should never have made it to half time but very rarely, if ever, were they sent off for the vitriol that came out of their mouths towards the officials.

As for what happens next. I got a phone call from the disciplinary guy at the County FA, giving me a provisional date for any appeal. They asked if I needed any support to (not sure what that would entail but I don't need any of that stuff but a young referee could we have done).

Sounds like you had a good match. On to the next one
My understanding is that a ref has to be the "school year" above those he's refereeing - so if Joe was a player, he would have to be playing at U17's or above in order to ref U16's.
if i did play i would be u18s
I see refs seem to know what club marks they have received. I am now in my third season and have never seen a mark. I know that teams I have given big decisions against have probably marked me down and I guess that on my bad games my marks haven't been great, but so far I have nt had a phonecall from RDO. You quite rightly gave a team 3 reds and numerous yellows. They probably lost its all your fault therefore rubbish marking. If they are swearing at you it will have been an ongoing issue and not the first time. The next time you ref them they will keep their mouths shut and if they don't they know what to expect. I do a lot of senior youth so see a lot of the teams over and over again. They know what I am like and you can see some teams faces fall as they realise its me. You were correct in what you did but please do the extraordinary report and just tell the truth. The club will have to attend a hearing anyway because of the amount of cautions so they are going to be in do do
While it’s nice to receive good club marks, they really need to be taken with a pinch of salt.
Sour grapes often cloud these.

Good luck with your hearing. I remember reading your post. I don’t know what managers etc get out of it sometimes. I’m not sure these people enjoy the game half the time.
I see refs seem to know what club marks they have received. I am now in my third season and have never seen a mark. I know that teams I have given big decisions against have probably marked me down and I guess that on my bad games my marks haven't been great, but so far I have nt had a phonecall from RDO. You quite rightly gave a team 3 reds and numerous yellows. They probably lost its all your fault therefore rubbish marking. If they are swearing at you it will have been an ongoing issue and not the first time. The next time you ref them they will keep their mouths shut and if they don't they know what to expect. I do a lot of senior youth so see a lot of the teams over and over again. They know what I am like and you can see some teams faces fall as they realise its me. You were correct in what you did but please do the extraordinary report and just tell the truth. The club will have to attend a hearing anyway because of the amount of cautions so they are going to be in do do
I think it's normal to not know your club marks. I ask for mine at the end of the season. One League gives me every individual mark, the other league gives me a seasonal average. I think the marks are of some interest as part of a very occasional review. At best, the individual marks have a very weak correlation with my own performance evaluation, but I don't dismiss the seasonal averages so readily. I do think that refereeing to gain good club marks is flawed and will produce paradoxically bad scores. Applying the LOTG effectively is what works. My games slip when I fail to do this in some respect
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In a nutshell:
Red 1 correct
Red 2 correct
Red 3 correct
Report needed for the after game verbal from the team
Ignore club marks they don't really mean much unless you want promotion or end of season cup finals
Reads like you did a grand job....at least 75/100
It’s quite simple, if you give a late penalty/free kick that leads to a goal that is in the slightest bit debatable then the team who it’s against will give you a low mark.
Some teams give 100 every week, regardless. Whoever gives the mark may not even be at the game
Some teams give 100 every week, regardless. Whoever gives the mark may not even be at the game

A lot of teams will also give scores of 61, or the lowest equivalent in their league to avoid writing a report
I once gave a team a zero and I was asked why I’d given them a zero. I said that minus figures weren’t an option! There wasn’t a box for ‘a complete set of knobsacks’
Does anything ever happen to the marks we give the teams?
In my leagues, marks are given for sportsmanship and for the CAR's - the aim is to give a sportsmanship trophy and best assisting club trophy at the end of the season. I don't know how much of an effect it has, but it's a nice idea at least.
We create fair play tables, and the teams in each division with the best sporting mark, based on a combination of referee and opposition marks, only pay 50% affiliation fees for the following season. The overall fair play winner across all 6 divisions doesn't pay any affiliation fees the next season. Promoting sporting play and respect.
We create fair play tables, and the teams in each division with the best sporting mark, based on a combination of referee and opposition marks, only pay 50% affiliation fees for the following season. The overall fair play winner across all 6 divisions doesn't pay any affiliation fees the next season. Promoting sporting play and respect.

That's a very good idea. In myokd Sunday Leagues winning the fair play award was the ultimate embarrassment so a financial reward for clubs could help
They used to have Fair play points in one of my leagues.... This is pinched from their website,,,

The Fair Play Criteria
Teams are scored accross six criteria for every game they play in the SDFPL:
1) Foul and abusive language and behaviour
2) Honesty and Fair Play
3) Hospitality
4) Attitude towards the referee
5) Foul Play
6) Team Management