Worst Game to date


Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
So this was possibly my worst game to date 4 yellows and 3 red cards all to the same team!

1st red card was a second yellow he had already been cautioned for dissent yet when a gave a free kick he said "Your a f***ing joke". The home team took the free kick as he said this so i decided to wait til the ball went out of play to issue his 2nd yellow, at the time i thought this was the right course of action but looking back maybe i shouldve blew and make tge home team retake after the red only because if the ball hadnt of went out he couldve been involved in a goal (he wasnt thankfully) when really he shouldnt be on the pitch. So yeah any advice on whether this was right or wrong?

The 2nd red card came in the 91st minute after awarding a penalty to the home side. The away team player with all his team mates surrounding me said "Your the worst f***ing referee ever you t**t". In my eyes this is worthy of a straight red again any thoughts would be appreciated.

The 3rd and final red came a second after the 2nd red he said to me "ref you cant send him off because its true your are the f***ing worst referee in the world"

Then once the full time whistle went i had the entire away team around me players subs and coaches screaming at me calling me ginger specky c*nt and worst ref ever i literally was surrounded by them it took home team players to pull me away and around them to get me away from the away team. The coach of the away team stated that i was lying and that i just simply gave them red cards for no reason.Although i didnt see the home team mark out of ten i saw the away team gave me a 1 out 10 which means they have to submit a report as it is lower than a 4 and now this is what im worried about because im only 2 seasons in to my ref career and im wondering what will happen to me because obviously if their comments after the game are any indication it looks as though the may ... lets say bend the truth a little and so i dont wondering will anything happen as a result because it will be my word vs theirs .

Thanks for reading im just a little worried is all possibly my worst game in my two seasons of refereeing.
A&H International
dont worry at all about club marks(full stop - they really dont mean much at all)

but even if they did, in this instance the league / county will know you gave the team lots of cards, and justifiably by the sounds of it and i'm sure they'd be backing you up every time.
So this was possibly my worst game to date 4 yellows and 3 red cards all to the same team!

1st red card was a second yellow he had already been cautioned for dissent yet when a gave a free kick he said "Your a f***ing joke". The home team took the free kick as he said this so i decided to wait til the ball went out of play to issue his 2nd yellow, at the time i thought this was the right course of action but looking back maybe i shouldve blew and make tge home team retake after the red only because if the ball hadnt of went out he couldve been involved in a goal (he wasnt thankfully) when really he shouldnt be on the pitch. So yeah any advice on whether this was right or wrong?

The 2nd red card came in the 91st minute after awarding a penalty to the home side. The away team player with all his team mates surrounding me said "Your the worst f***ing referee ever you t**t". In my eyes this is worthy of a straight red again any thoughts would be appreciated.

The 3rd and final red came a second after the 2nd red he said to me "ref you cant send him off because its true your are the f***ing worst referee in the world"

Then once the full time whistle went i had the entire away team around me players subs and coaches screaming at me calling me ginger specky c*nt and worst ref ever i literally was surrounded by them it took home team players to pull me away and around them to get me away from the away team. The coach of the away team stated that i was lying and that i just simply gave them red cards for no reason.Although i didnt see the home team mark out of ten i saw the away team gave me a 1 out 10 which means they have to submit a report as it is lower than a 4 and now this is what im worried about because im only 2 seasons in to my ref career and im wondering what will happen to me because obviously if their comments after the game are any indication it looks as though the may ... lets say bend the truth a little and so i dont wondering will anything happen as a result because it will be my word vs theirs .

Thanks for reading im just a little worried is all possibly my worst game in my two seasons of refereeing.
Hi Joe.
I hope you are okay, after what sounds like an awful experience.
Red 1 and 2 I am happy with..red 3 seems harsh but it's all about context so I'd support it. And obviously all of our tolerance levels differ naturally.

So I am going to start with the more serious stuff first. Along with your match report you need to complete at least two extraordinary reports. 1) for the manager/coach. 2) for the players harrassing you at the end. I'd even go with a 3rd and 4th and 5th if you can identify the players you sent off becaise they should not be in the vicinity of the pitch let alone on it harrassing you at the end.
Dont worry about their mark. Any ref sec worth their salt will no about the team already and will likely brush it off. But for your peace of mind it will not hamper your progression unless you are going for promo and will rely on club marks to top up your observations. Sure some.of the ref secs on here can elaborate on how they use their club marks and what impact it has. But, in the main, dont sweat it.

Red 1. Couple of options here imo. If play has already restarted you can stop play immediately and award an idfk from the location of the offence. Or if play hasnt restarted then deal with the sanction and restart from the original restart.

The laws state that

Advantage should not be applied in situations involving serious foul play,
violent conduct or a second cautionable offence unless there is a clear
opportunity to score a goal.

You did have a get out clause though.

The referee must send off the player when the ball
is next out of play but if the player plays the ball or challenges/interferes with
an opponent, the referee will stop play, send off the player and restart with an
indirect free kick, unless the player committed a more serious offence.
Sounds like an awful situation.
Get as many extraordinary reports in as you can.
If they’re going to have to explain their low mark for you, you can cause them as many problems as you can- they deserve all they get for that behaviour.

With regards to the red cards; don’t see anything wrong with any of those.
For the first one, remember what James says here and that you stop play if the person going to be sent off interferes with play.
Personally, I’d have done the same as you here. I wouldn’t want to break up the other team’s momentum once the ball is in play for dissent. If they offending player was nearby I would have said something like ‘I want to speak to you when the ball is out of play’ or words to that effect.

It’s nice that the home team a players helped you.

I’m quite new to reffing but the club mark system seems very odd when we get situations like this.
My first ever game was an U14 match and they gave feedback saying I should stay with younger ages etc. (Sour grapes for a few decisions not going their way- things like handballs that most certainly were not). Then I did an U16 match and got 95/100 with the comments that they’d nothing to offer on where I could improve and that they hoped to have me back.
So one team telling me I’m no good and another telling me I’m good. Who’d be a ref hey.

Back to your match: when filling in your reports give as much info as you can. Player numbers, what was said etc. This team deserve whatever punishment the league can give them.

Hope you’re feeling better about it soon. You’ve a lot of admin to do lol.
Sounds like an awful situation.
Get as many extraordinary reports in as you can.
If they’re going to have to explain their low mark for you, you can cause them as many problems as you can- they deserve all they get for that behaviour.

With regards to the red cards; don’t see anything wrong with any of those.
For the first one, remember what James says here and that you stop play if the person going to be sent off interferes with play.
Personally, I’d have done the same as you here. I wouldn’t want to break up the other team’s momentum once the ball is in play for dissent. If they offending player was nearby I would have said something like ‘I want to speak to you when the ball is out of play’ or words to that effect.

It’s nice that the home team a players helped you.

I’m quite new to reffing but the club mark system seems very odd when we get situations like this.
My first ever game was an U14 match and they gave feedback saying I should stay with younger ages etc. (Sour grapes for a few decisions not going their way- things like handballs that most certainly were not). Then I did an U16 match and got 95/100 with the comments that they’d nothing to offer on where I could improve and that they hoped to have me back.
So one team telling me I’m no good and another telling me I’m good. Who’d be a ref hey.

Back to your match: when filling in your reports give as much info as you can. Player numbers, what was said etc. This team deserve whatever punishment the league can give them.

Hope you’re feeling better about it soon. You’ve a lot of admin to do lol.

dont worry about player numbers, simply state something like

"in the ##th minute of the game, the above named player said to me "ref you cant send him off because its true your are the f***ing worst referee in the world". I viewed this as offensive and insulting language and as result dismissed him from the field of play."

by the way dont blank anything out, write the words exactly as they said them, no matter how offensive
So this was possibly my worst game to date 4 yellows and 3 red cards all to the same team!

1st red card was a second yellow he had already been cautioned for dissent yet when a gave a free kick he said "Your a f***ing joke". The home team took the free kick as he said this so i decided to wait til the ball went out of play to issue his 2nd yellow, at the time i thought this was the right course of action but looking back maybe i shouldve blew and make tge home team retake after the red only because if the ball hadnt of went out he couldve been involved in a goal (he wasnt thankfully) when really he shouldnt be on the pitch. So yeah any advice on whether this was right or wrong?

The 2nd red card came in the 91st minute after awarding a penalty to the home side. The away team player with all his team mates surrounding me said "Your the worst f***ing referee ever you t**t". In my eyes this is worthy of a straight red again any thoughts would be appreciated.

The 3rd and final red came a second after the 2nd red he said to me "ref you cant send him off because its true your are the f***ing worst referee in the world"

Then once the full time whistle went i had the entire away team around me players subs and coaches screaming at me calling me ginger specky c*nt and worst ref ever i literally was surrounded by them it took home team players to pull me away and around them to get me away from the away team. The coach of the away team stated that i was lying and that i just simply gave them red cards for no reason.Although i didnt see the home team mark out of ten i saw the away team gave me a 1 out 10 which means they have to submit a report as it is lower than a 4 and now this is what im worried about because im only 2 seasons in to my ref career and im wondering what will happen to me because obviously if their comments after the game are any indication it looks as though the may ... lets say bend the truth a little and so i dont wondering will anything happen as a result because it will be my word vs theirs .

Thanks for reading im just a little worried is all possibly my worst game in my two seasons of refereeing.

1st red - Sounds correct to me. Only situation change there would be if you saw it as a straight red, you stop play and issue it straight away. However, in your scenario (second yellow) you were correct to play on (as advantage). If that player then gets involved, you stop play for an indirect free kick at the point he interfered then issue the second yellow.

2nd red - Spot on. Easy

3rd red - This could go either way depending on tolerance levels. If you saw it as insulting, offensive or abusive then fine, correct decision!

Sounds like you dealt with it well and the events which followed were down to an uncontrollable side with a horrendous attitude and unfortunately, you experienced which most referees fear. It's good to see the home team help you in such a manner as well, there were at least 11 human beings on the pitch with you which is good. Don't worry about club marks, it sounds like you did the right thing and providing you submit everything above to the FA (word for word) they should back you to the hills.

There's no place for this on a football pitch and I hope it doesn't prevent you from stepping out in the future!
My only comment on the red cards is that the first one would have been a straight red if he'd said that to me. No question on the others.

Virtually all referees have had matches like that at some point. One very important part of my education was running the line in a cup final and watching a really excellent referee, a former level 3, get horrific abuse along similar lines despite having got everything spot on.

I hope it doesn't put you off. Get those reports in.
So this was possibly my worst game to date 4 yellows and 3 red cards all to the same team!

1st red card was a second yellow he had already been cautioned for dissent yet when a gave a free kick he said "Your a f***ing joke". The home team took the free kick as he said this so i decided to wait til the ball went out of play to issue his 2nd yellow, at the time i thought this was the right course of action but looking back maybe i shouldve blew and make tge home team retake after the red only because if the ball hadnt of went out he couldve been involved in a goal (he wasnt thankfully) when really he shouldnt be on the pitch. So yeah any advice on whether this was right or wrong?

The 2nd red card came in the 91st minute after awarding a penalty to the home side. The away team player with all his team mates surrounding me said "Your the worst f***ing referee ever you t**t". In my eyes this is worthy of a straight red again any thoughts would be appreciated.

The 3rd and final red came a second after the 2nd red he said to me "ref you cant send him off because its true your are the f***ing worst referee in the world"

Then once the full time whistle went i had the entire away team around me players subs and coaches screaming at me calling me ginger specky c*nt and worst ref ever i literally was surrounded by them it took home team players to pull me away and around them to get me away from the away team. The coach of the away team stated that i was lying and that i just simply gave them red cards for no reason.Although i didnt see the home team mark out of ten i saw the away team gave me a 1 out 10 which means they have to submit a report as it is lower than a 4 and now this is what im worried about because im only 2 seasons in to my ref career and im wondering what will happen to me because obviously if their comments after the game are any indication it looks as though the may ... lets say bend the truth a little and so i dont wondering will anything happen as a result because it will be my word vs theirs .

Thanks for reading im just a little worried is all possibly my worst game in my two seasons of refereeing.
What age group was this?
Ludicrous that a young referee should be subjected to this onslaught (from adults in particular)
Thanks for all replies. I did submit everything into an extra ordinary incident but i put it all in one report in order of occurrence. Would it have been better to do separate reports?.

Each red card must be submitted as a sending-off report using the Whole Game System.

Secondly an extra-ordinary report should be submitted for the actions afterwards. Be clear and to the point - nobody wants to know about the weather and how wet or dry the surface was. "I was surrounded by players/coaches/spectators of XXXXX FC. Player no./Coach (name or description) clearly shouted at me ,,You're a .....'' . That'll be enough

The rest of it:

Don't worry about club marks. A lot of them are done in anger, and any report usually bears this out, unless there are significant issues. Low marks and reports are typically passed to the local FA for reference, and given the cards/reports will be given short shrift. You may be asked later on for observations, but not always. Just make sure you are clear and stick to the facts.

Talk to your local RA as well - be useful to have their input and assistance for the future.

And worst game ever? Nah. I had that Saturday to hear them talk. So did half the referee's in my county. And probably most of the guys up and down all the leagues. That's a cheap throwaway criticism often used to detract from their own faults and mistakes.
I do a lot of youth and at that age I would have given 3 reds and not lost any sleep over it all. It is kids football and they should not be talking to any ref like that. They probably would have been more respectful to an adult bit that is not the point. The worse thing is the coaching staff. They are bullies tell the truth and this will crucify them. I do not believe this is an isolated incident and I'm sure they form for this. Don't worry about your club marks whoever looks at them will see there has been issues. Don't let the b*****s get you down.
I do a lot of youth and at that age I would have given 3 reds and not lost any sleep over it all. It is kids football and they should not be talking to any ref like that. They probably would have been more respectful to an adult bit that is not the point. The worse thing is the coaching staff. They are bullies tell the truth and this will crucify them. I do not believe this is an isolated incident and I'm sure they form for this. Don't worry about your club marks whoever looks at them will see there has been issues. Don't let the b*****s get you down.
Thanks mate appreciate it wouldnt care did two other games that day 1 game i got two 9s from both managers and another i got a 9 and a 6.
This is the problem with club marks.
Depending on a few decisions to one club you’re great and to the other you’re crap.
You showed consistency and that’s what you should do.
If you ref that team again you know how to deal with things and them. Dissent equals card. They either shut up or walk. It’s a choice for them to make.
With that in mind, if you were to ref this team again and the coach is shouting through the match I would warn him and then expell him. If he refuses to go then you can abandon the match (threaten him first). Show them who is in charge. It shouldn’t matter that you’re young- you’ve been given the responsibility and they choose not to respect you then they should pay the price.
@JoeMaloney5 - Hi Joe,

We all get matches like this, and doing the next match is the test. Next time it happens, it is not such a great shock.

All three RC are correct, well done on doing the business. You should also submit a misconduct report for the crowding at the end of the game. The action of the players and officials is threatening and needs to be stamped out. if you had to get the home team to pull you out, then there is something at issue. For a misconduct report against the team, you don't have to identify players - the CFA will enquire as they see fit.

And f**k club marks, the best referees ignore them and referee the game as required. All the best referees will have 0 or 1 as marks in previous games, as they did what was required not pandering to the clubs.
This is the problem with club marks.
Depending on a few decisions to one club you’re great and to the other you’re crap.
You showed consistency and that’s what you should do.
If you ref that team again you know how to deal with things and them. Dissent equals card. They either shut up or walk. It’s a choice for them to make.
With that in mind, if you were to ref this team again and the coach is shouting through the match I would warn him and then expell him. If he refuses to go then you can abandon the match (threaten him first). Show them who is in charge. It shouldn’t matter that you’re young- you’ve been given the responsibility and they choose not to respect you then they should pay the price.
Yeah thanks mate because that 3rd red said basically the same as 2nd red so my mind i HAVE to show consistency and send 3rd player off aswell
@JoeMaloney5 - Hi Joe,

We all get matches like this, and doing the next match is the test. Next time it happens, it is not such a great shock.

All three RC are correct, well done on doing the business. You should also submit a misconduct report for the crowding at the end of the game. The action of the players and officials is threatening and needs to be stamped out. if you had to get the home team to pull you out, then there is something at issue. For a misconduct report against the team, you don't have to identify players - the CFA will enquire as they see fit.

And f**k club marks, the best referees ignore them and referee the game as required. All the best referees will have 0 or 1 as marks in previous games, as they did what was required not pandering to the clubs.
Thanks mate doesnt help im only 5'4 so teams try to take advantage ive noticed
It can't be easy refereeing kids of virtually the same age. I thought a ref must be two years older than the players (maybe i just invented that)
@Tino Best hit the nail on the head regarding the adult coaches - Bullies
This won't reflect badly at all on you with anyone, but these 'responsible adults' will have some demeaning questions asked of them
This could has the potential to be good experience for you, although i'm sure it was very intimidating at the time
It can't be easy refereeing kids of virtually the same age. I thought a ref must be two years older than the players (maybe i just invented that)
@Tino Best hit the nail on the head regarding the adult coaches - Bullies
This won't reflect badly at all on you with anyone, but these 'responsible adults' will have some demeaning questions asked of them
This could has the potential to be good experience for you, although i'm sure it was very intimidating at the time
yeah 2 years younger is a thing but my rdo said that once i hit 17 i can ref any age and anyways he also said u16 are in year 11 and im in year 13 so it is basically 2 years because u16 players who start at age 15 im 17 thats 2 years older then they turn 16 i turn 18 if that makes sense