

New Member
I have had no games for 5 weeks now, with all of them being called of due to waterlogged pitches.

Have I been unlucky or has this been happening to anyone else?
A&H International
I have had no games for 5 weeks now, with all of them being called of due to waterlogged pitches.

Have I been unlucky or has this been happening to anyone else?
It does happen, but I think you've been a bit unlucky to have a run going as far back as Mid-september. My match this weekend was touch-and-go and I wouldn't be surprised if I have more off than on for the next few months, but yours do seem to have started early!
Still yet to have a postponement. To my dismay actually as quite busy at the mo and could so with a spare weekend 😂😂😂
I have had no games for 5 weeks now, with all of them being called of due to waterlogged pitches.

Have I been unlucky or has this been happening to anyone else?

Last season all of December was a washout. I had one game go ahead and that was because it was on an artificial pitch, and I think I was one of three games on in three counties, so of course, I got assessed on that day!

But for all the other refs, that was an early Christmas break.

This season, only last weekend was washed out, but I'm on two weeks without a game as I went for the fitness test the weekend before and didn't have a game.
My first postponed game since moving to north east Scotland.

Got a question guys and girls.

I was in the area and done an inspection of the pitch yesterday afternoon. My pitch I was at is about 45 minutes away and we have had a fair bit of rain the past 48 hours when I went to the field.
Even then it was very much touch and go, possibly leaning more towards the unplayable. Home side clearly attempted to fork it as you can see marks in the field of this happening.
I got up early this morning to a text saying the pitch looks awful. Now, knowing there was much more rain overnight (sister stayed locally last night to where I am and she messaged me this morning) and my thoughts yesterday, I agreed to postpone over the phone. Not to save me time or fuel, but because the away side were also coming from much further than myself. They would be set to leave about 10am for a 12pm kick off. Earliest I could get to the field would have been about 10am.

Informed league of this, so hopefully they won't moan, but do you guys agree with the method I done today in the postponement of the game?
In short, I looked at the field yesterday and it was 55/45 towards the unplayable. Further rain would have made it much worse and the rain overnight was constant and heavy.
Would you still have made another trip this morning or would you have done what I did?
I will add, it was an u15 match.
My first postponed game since moving to north east Scotland.

Got a question guys and girls.

I was in the area and done an inspection of the pitch yesterday afternoon. My pitch I was at is about 45 minutes away and we have had a fair bit of rain the past 48 hours when I went to the field.
Even then it was very much touch and go, possibly leaning more towards the unplayable. Home side clearly attempted to fork it as you can see marks in the field of this happening.
I got up early this morning to a text saying the pitch looks awful. Now, knowing there was much more rain overnight (sister stayed locally last night to where I am and she messaged me this morning) and my thoughts yesterday, I agreed to postpone over the phone. Not to save me time or fuel, but because the away side were also coming from much further than myself. They would be set to leave about 10am for a 12pm kick off. Earliest I could get to the field would have been about 10am.

Informed league of this, so hopefully they won't moan, but do you guys agree with the method I done today in the postponement of the game?
In short, I looked at the field yesterday and it was 55/45 towards the unplayable. Further rain would have made it much worse and the rain overnight was constant and heavy.
Would you still have made another trip this morning or would you have done what I did?
I will add, it was an u15 match.
That seems a highly sensible approach. Based on the state of the pitch yesterday, plus the heavy rain overnight, I'm guessing that no one has batted an eyelid that you've called it off.
Depends entirely on competition rules. Some might may that an inspection on the day is necessary, but if they don't then your approach seems sensible to me.