The Ref Stop

VAR Farce Part Deux

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
Give me strength.... Clear and obvious my £&@/ing arse!
ROBBED!!!!! 3 minutes 47 seconds...... This sh1t has to stop!!!
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The Ref Stop
Unusually, I was at home today, watching Soccer Saturday. Jeff Stelling was spitting feathers. It was a day on which so many PL goals were reviewed, the spontaneity was as damp as tonight's cancelled fireworks displays. The game is in such a mess
Whilst I agree that I’m unsure about this decision (why is the VAR line not at the same angle as the 18 yard?), don’t bring ‘clear and obvious’ into this as that’s not a criteria for offside
Took 3 minutes and change to get to that decision as well. Pointless if you ask me. I see plenty of casual fans getting up in arms over it now.
Not that you've been pro-VAR, but something I've been saying for several seasons.

Appreciate the appetite for var in some form from clubs especially, but I reckon a good proportion of fans from all clubs currently hate it. It's ****e, takes more away from the game than it adds, needs a proper rethink.
What confuses me is this wasn't the cross for the goal, they cleared it, in fact Deir cleared it, surely offside then resets??

Its interference that VAR was never designed for....
That line is in perspective with the edge of the box line. Their line is a guess too!

It shouldn’t be a guess. The technology should be correcting for the angles and drawing them parallel to the GL. And they will look angled because of perspective. But I don’t know how precise the technology is on that aspect.

At one time, US football had a timer on the replay equipment. I think it was 90 seconds—if the R couldn’t find conclusive evidence before the timer expired, the call stood. I wouldn’t mind seeing that for OS if we are stuck with keeping VAR. And i’d use 45 or 60 seconds. What football really wants is for the horrible misses to get fixed. Is there really anyone who thinks the game is made better by “catching” this type of OS “infraction”?
Andy is wrong on the style if the block lines, of course they start after the def and include the att. Surely that is the intention.

But totally right on the rest of the nonsense.