When was the last time you saw the goalkeeper penalised for this offence in professional or non league football? I genuinely can't remember. I refereed my 400th game this week & I've never penalised a goalkeeper for this. But I'm proactive in managing the situation. Yes we are slaves to the law book, but that doesn't mean we can't manage a situation when the need arises.
It's not right that goalkeepers get away with it but it's where football is at. You can go rogue if you like and be the one referee who does penalise it but it will make your games a damn sight harder than they need to be and observers will only tell you what I am now so perhaps work on managing these situations with your voice and hands.
Same with the DOGSO at 13-0. That's a very easy situation to manage if you allow yourself to do so. My suggestion is that you do not manage SFP, VC or jewellery (blood on shirts etc), they're set in stone. But technical offenses like DOGSO, 6 second law, dissent (do you sin bin for every bit of dissent that comes your way or do you manage using the Step process etc?). After all, the step process is simply managing a situation. The law for dissent by word or action required a sin bin at steps 5 and below.....